
Sunday 17 June 2012

Surprise, surprise!

Surprise Surprise!
Well, I spoke too soon didn't I!
I posted on Facebook that everything was now back to normal earlier this week, then Tuesday afternoon a phone call from son, 'Mum I've hurt my ankle playing cricket', so I dash off to collect him from school and off we go to visit the Minor Injuries Unit - again. It's too late for an x-ray so we have to go back next morning and discover he has an avulsion fracture (I think that's how you spell it) so he is now crashing about on crutches with his leg in plaster. Local little hospital have had to refer him to big hospital, so the next instalment is on Tuesday!

This week I treated myself to a cross stitch kit. I haven't done cross stitch for some time, but everyday I pass the one I did for the Queen's Golden Jubilee, so I decided to do one for the Diamond Jubilee.

On with the surprise - a Surprise Giveaway! Lots of goodies inside an Annabelle bag beautifully made by my friend Claudia.
All you need to do is....

Follow my blog and then leave a comment to say you have done this. If you are already a follower (thank you) please just leave me a comment.
For extra chances to win you can....
'Like' me on my Facebook page and leave a comment on my blog and on my facebook page to let me know you have done this. If you already 'like' my FB page then please just leave a comment here and FB!
If you would like to blog about my giveaway this will give you another entry. Again leave me another comment here on my blog.
Please ensure that I am able to contact you. This giveaway is open to the UK only as it is rather heavy!!!!

The giveaway will stay open until 23rd July and then all the names will be put into a hat for Pickle-Lily to choose from.

Have a good week and I'm off to start visiting all the other lovely blogs over on Handmade Monday.

Jo x

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!


  1. Sorry to hear about your son, hope he's on the mend! Looking forward to seeing your Diamond Jubilee cross stitch. Fingers crossed for your giveaway too!

  2. Poor son hope he mends before the crutches do too much damage. Love cross stitch, keep thinking must do again but then again life gets in the way

  3. Hope your son is OK - not much fun trying to get around on crutches. So much damage to be done to everything that gets in the way (been there, so know how easily it can happen). Hope you (and your son) have a good week.

  4. ope your sons leg heals quickly Enjoy your cross stitch, its so relaxing when you get the time to do it.

  5. oh no - hope he heals quickly and there's not too much ferrying to hospitals for you. The giveaway looks exciting!

  6. Hope your son gets well soon. His cast is probably covered with get well wishes by now.

    Really like the design of the Golden Jubilee cross stitch.

  7. Your poor son! I'll bet he'll be making the most of all the attention. I enjoy cross stitch but haven't done any for ages, maybe I'll put it on my to do list!

    I already follow your blog and I have just sent you a friend request on fb as I couldn't work out how to 'like' you! The giveaway sounds interesting, can't wait to see what it is even if I don't win! Have a good week!

  8. Ouch, you poor son, hope it all gets sorted soon - I know how it feels ot have toi wait for x-rays as I broke my arm when I lived in the country many years ago, it's fun getting the cast signed once it is all plastered up though!

    What a super giveaway: I'm a follower of you here and on FB

  9. Oh dear - poor you (and your son of course) but I guess that there will be a lot more running around for you, for a bit. At least all the waiting in hospitals will give you a chance to do some portable crafting? Hope it all goes ok.

  10. I hope your son is feeling better soon. Although I suspect he may enjoy having crutches! I would love to be added into your lovely surprise giveaway. I am already a follower of your blog. Sue x

  11. I am also a follower of you on facebook and have just popped across and left a comment. Sue x

  12. Oh dear! your poor son! What IS an avulsion fracture anyway??
    Thanks for the surprise giveaway! I am of course a happy follower!

  13. Sorry to hear about your son, I remember when my son was 13, he broke his ankle on the last day of school before the Christmas hols, it was not easy getting around on crutches all the time, lets hope he heals quickly.
    Take care

    Jan x

  14. Oh your poor son. Mind you, if he is anything like my sons he is now revelling in all the attention and can't wait to get back to school on his crutches just to show off.
    Diamond Jubillee cross stitch sounds like a nice challenge. I was trying to work out if your pic was of it completed or of the packet with the kit in. Sorry, I know I am a bit dense sometimes.
    Either way it looks a good

  15. Speedy recovery to your son!

    Love your cross stitch kit- the Diamond Jubilee kit has got fabulous stylized font! Gorgeous!
    Your Golden Jubilee cross stitch is such fun! the queen so simply :))

  16. i meant "smiley" ha ha not "simple" :)

  17. I hope your son feels better soon crutches are a pain in the butt my daughter became reliant on them when she hurt her knee the easter before last so when she had the op I got her off them quicker as she was getting really painful hands as well love the cross stitch pattern Its nice to have a reminder of the jubilee I still remember the silver in 1977 xxxxx

  18. i love your golden jubilee cross stitch! i hope you get as much pleasure from your diamond jubilee one :)

    p.s. hope your sons ankle is well on the mend x

  19. Poor son hobbling about, sport is a dangerous thing, that's why I prefer to stay glued to my sofa!! haha
    Hope he's feeling OK now.

  20. Hope that ankle heals and that you don't have to make too many more trips to the hospital with your son!

  21. Hope your son heals up soon.

    Good luck with the give-away, it looks very enticing, so much so I'd love to enter! I've followed your blog and liked your facebook page and left a comment!

  22. Ooh - hope your poor boy's ankle mends soon!

    Would love to enter your giveaway - I am already a happy follower :)


  23. Hope the ankle gets better quickly and I love the cross stitch too. Am following your blog now in the hope that I can win your lovely giveaway as well.x

  24. I'd love to be included in your giveaway and am off to like you on facebook too! Is it just me or does the cross stitch of the queen look remarkably like Camilla?! Hmm...topical!! X

  25. Sorry to hear about your son's foot! Hope he is soon on the mend x
    The cross stitch is lovely and a great momento of the jubilee.
    Would love to enter your giveawa! I enjoy reading your blog and i'll try and add a littlemlink on my blog for you later in the week.
    Have a lovely week x

  26. Best wishes to your son for a speedy recovery. Have fun with the cross stitch!

  27. I'm already a follower. Love the golden jubilee cross stitch so looking forward to seeing the diamond one! It's such a relaxing hobby.

  28. Sorry to hear about your sons injury! Looks like an exciting giveaway! I'm already a follower on here and do enjoy your crafty posts. Look forward to seeing the cross stitch. I always want to learn but never seem to have time!

  29. I'm also a follower on facebook of both your page and little pickle!

  30. Hey, love following your blog & facebook :)xx


I'm sorry but the amount of spam email has now forced me to use word verification, so thank-you for leaving me a comment, I always enjoy reading them.