
Sunday 10 June 2012

Time for tea

Version 2!

Funky pink

After I posted my tea cosy cover on Thursday I had a re-think and changed the French knots for buttons on the flowers and I love it! So I have made a few more to sell (just to see how they go) including a funky pink one.
But you can't have tea without cake, and .... pauses for dramatic effect .... I have finally made edible flapjacks! The easiest of cakes you may say, but mine were either too crumbly or rock hard, so here is the easiest, most idiot proof recipe!
You need -
100g butter or margarine
75d soft brown sugar
2 tablespoons of golden syrup
200g of porridge oats
a 20cm x 30cm well greased baking tray

Melt the butter in a large pan over a low heat.
Add sugar and syrup and mix well.
Stir in the oats.
At this point you can add dried fruit or chocolate chips - whatever you like!
Spread mixture evenly in the tray with the back of a spoon.
Bake for about 25 minutes at 110C or 90C (fan assisted) until golden brown.
Leave to cool for about 5 minutes then mark into squares and leave to cool in the tray.

I often bake a batch now when I've finished cooking the evening meal and the oven is cooling down.
In fact I think I'll go and make another batch now to go with the bread pudding I've got on the go already!
During the week - barring computer problems - I'll be visiting all the other blogs on Wendy's Handmade Monday, why not take a look yourself?
Jo x
PS _ Have decided the giveaway will be a Surprise Giveaway - keep watching!


  1. How wierd, I made some flapjacky stuff today too. I love bread pudding but rarely have enough bread left in order to make it. I like the bright tea cosies as they are cheerful which is just how a cup of tea should make you feel. :)

  2. The tea cosys are cool, would be great to make one, but I dont use a teapot, lol. The flapjacks look awesome, Im feeling hungry now

  3. I love the cosies, especially the buttons!

  4. I love the cosies and your flapjacks look yummy! :-) x

  5. Lovely teapot cozies! I too have a teapot cozy and I don't even use a teapot - go figure!

    S x

  6. Mmm flapjack!! Yum! The tea cosies are lovely, so bright and cheerful. The buttons look great, I often use them as flower centres too.

  7. Love the tea cosies :) and flapjacks are one of my favourites as I can't eat wheat and those look good!

  8. Love the tea cosies but I daren't make the flapjacks as my OH and me would eat the lot in five minutes flat!!

  9. Ooh I shall try that recipe later this week, it looks so yummy :)

  10. The flowers are great,the buttons in the centre really set them off.

    Will have to give the recipe a try :D


  11. you have been creative! well done on your flapjacks! never tried them myself but i do feel tempted to do so!
    the tea cosy is so cute!

  12. these are the 1st teacosies i have seen where by you can still access the lid of the teapot great idea xx

  13. Love the tea cosies :) and the flapjack reminds me of my gran who used to make them too. Thinking about it they were a bit hard! Might give that a go thanks for sharing the recipe.

  14. Love the teacosies, the buttons finish them off beautifully. That flapjack recipe looks fab, may have to try it x

  15. your tea cosies are gorgeous! i particularly love the pink one :)

    yum, flap jacks, one of my favourites! glad you settled on a recipe that works for you! x

  16. mmm those flapjacks look delicious. Even the raw mixture is! No teapot worth it's weight goes naked, a cosy fits the bill!

  17. I am in love with the combination fo homemade flapjacks and a homemade tea cosy. This post put a ma-hoo-sive smile on my face :-)

  18. My flapjacks always turn out too hard so i'm definately going to try your recipe and see if i have better success! Love the cosies, the buttons work really well.

  19. Your tea cosies are so cute! Hmm I love flapjack, yours looks delicious. Have a great week x

  20. Like the tea cosys but love the flapjacks - I've got quite the sweet tooth :-D

  21. How unbelievably adorable are those cosys? I love the personality and colors you put into them. I've made a cosy for my french press in days past but it's no where near as nice as yours. And your flapjack story made me hungry. ha

  22. Been catching up on your lovely posts (there's quite a few!). Love the buttons on the tea cosy but then I loved the french knots too :) Hope all ok with you x

  23. Delicious and such pretty cosies love proper tea in a proper pot not a tea bag in sight and a pretty tea cosy.

  24. I love flapjacks, I must make some for the week end. Love your tea cosy too, the colours are great, I'm sure they will sell well.

    Jan x

  25. Hi, just to let you know I have nominated you for the 'Versatile Blogger Award' - details on my blog, hope you like it!

    Estelle xx


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