
Friday 22 June 2012

Begun the Crutch Wars has

A warning - If you like to read  blogs of idyllic lives with colour washed photos and beautiful children, then look away now!
Look what I did to my tape measure!
An update on my week ...
The story so far - son, hurt ankle last week playing cricket, little local hospital said it was an avulsion fracture (when the ligament pulls out a chunk of bone when it gets ruptured) and put angry son in a plaster cast. He has had to miss school camp and is not happy.
Daughter has an ongoing problem with both knees - called Osgood-Schlatter - which comes and goes and all we can do is pain management until she grows out of it. A couple of weeks ago she tripped over and hurt her ankle and has been complaining since, we've been dealing with it as we do with OS (you just know what's coming next don't you..)
So .... on Monday ( after a week-end of Mr Frustraed bashing and crashing around) I finally pay what is about my fifth visit in one week to the MIU (I now have my own parking space) with Pickle-Lily. I'm feeling like I'm in that episode from Outnumbered and any moment now the social workers are going to appear. We've dosed, strapped and rested but she is still complaining. They decide that her ankle is a soft tissue injury, but because her knees are bad at the moment, she isn't weight bearing properly and so a week on crutches to rest it! We are also referred to physio to look at her walking.
Monday evening Crutch Wars breaks out! Two large children both on crutches and in pain and they start having a Star Wars light sabre fight with crutches and then they start to take out all their frustrations (I'll  leave the rest to your imagination!)
Tuesday morning Mr P-L takes son to the big hospital - they decide he has ruptured all three ligaments and the bone fragment isn't going to be a problem, so the cast comes off, and a big boot thing is strapped on instead and crutches for three weeks. But it means smelly son can shower and can weight bear, as long as he is wearing the boot. But I still have two bad-tempered children on crutches crashing their way around  and struggling to fit in my little car!
The saga continues ... Pickle-Lily's turn to go to camp on Monday...
My friend Corinna made this
This week I have been making little tote bags - you can make one from a fat quarter and I'm working on a tutorial now! It's also my in-laws Golden Wedding Anniversary, so we have a 'do' to attend.
I'm off for a therapeutic visit to Dunelm and The Range, have a good week-end!
Jo x

PS - Don't forget the Surprise Giveaway


  1. Poor you and all happening at a time of year that's never very busy (can you detect the irony)I hope the crutch wars subside soon and that you enjoyed your Dunelm therapy

  2. Oh bless your lot are in the wars aren't they! Hope they are feeling better soon and your shopping trip was good therapy!

  3. Oh bless your lot are in the wars aren't they! Hope they are feeling better soon and your shopping trip was good therapy!


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