
Monday 13 June 2011

Handmade Monday

I'd hoped to do Handmade Monday last week but Sky broadband was down all day and evening, so I didn't get time. I managed to pick up some work on Tuesday and spent the day with a delightful class in the Quantocks. Then the rest of the week was spent making stock for the fair on Saturday. Unfortunately not at all busy - too many village fairs going on around us I think.

Back to Handmade Monday - I promised Pickle-Lily last week that the next one would feature all the things she'd been making, and to be honest I'm feeling rather proud of her with all her crafting.

She is especially proud of the apron made on her sewing machine all by herself. it was put into use on Saturday as a money apron. Brilliant - playing shops in real life!

Now I must get back to finishing a commission for a friend, I hope to post it on here later this week.


  1. Shame your fair wasn't busy, as you say, lots of fairs the same week in a small area.
    Your daughter done really well, I love the cupcake design and I'm glad she got to try out the money apron for real. Well done.

    Jan x

  2. More cupcakes! I think there is a cake conspiracy this week - you are making me crave cake (not a hard task, it must be said).
    The cupcake is lovely, fab money belt and so lovely to see younger ones making.
    Thank you for tking part in Handmade Monday x

  3. More food, good job I have had lunch otherwise the cupboards would have been raided. Start em young

  4. Love the cupcake!! That is some pretty nifty sewing there! We love cake!

  5. I love cupcakes always popular sorry to hear the fair was quiet better luck next time I'm sure Its nice to get the family involved in crafting your daughter I see has a talent for it tooo xxx

  6. I have to say, that apron is adorable! Cute cute cute flowers!

  7. You have a very crafty daugther. Love the cupcake. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. Your daughter is very talented, it's so nice to see kids interested in creating things.
    I'm sorry to hear the fair wasn't great I do hope you have better luck next time.

  9. What a clever clever little gal she is! Well done petal!!

    See you Saturday? I've not knitted in ages, the damn hooky WiP's need finishing first.



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