
Wednesday 8 June 2011

Two good things!

First ..... I've made my first sale on Folksy, five apple for the teacher keyrings.

Second .... Caroline from redneedle sewinghas awarded me 'The Versatile Blogger' award
So now I have to ...
Make a post linking back to the person who gave you the award.
Share 7 random things about yourself
Award 7 recently discovered bloggers with this award and contact them to let them know they have won.
7 random things about myself
- I hate vinegar!
- I was an Akela in a Cub Scout Pack for about 20 years.
- I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 21.
- I want to learn to crochet.
- My favourite film is 'Bride and Predjuice' - the Bollywood version.
- I've been on holiday to Taiwan.
- I love Troll beads!
Now I would like to pass this award onto
Cuckoo at talesfromcuckooland
Keri at Bella-Boutique
Tina at Bella and the Moo
Wendy at 1stUniqueGifts
Little Cotton Rabbits
Suzie at The Wool Sanctuary
Louise at Sew Scrumptious

Phew done it!
Jo x


  1. Congrats on your first sale I'm sure you're going to have to make alot more

  2. Those keyrings are fab - hope you have a lot more made up!

    Thank you for passing on this award - it may be next week before I get round to blogging it. I shall also have a peek at the other bloggers you've awarded as I'm not sure I've heard of all of them.

    Wishing you many more folksy sales! x

  3. Ooooooh thanky very muchly!!

    I'll teach you crochet if you like, lets talk on the 18th


  4. Congrats on winning the award! Your keyrings are lovely and I wish you lots more success of Folksy :)

    I have a Pickle-Lily too! But she's Lillie-Pickle in our house!!

    Lovely blog and glad I've found it!

    Rhi x


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