
Friday 17 June 2011

Hoodie hunt, Knit Club and other things ...

Sitting at the computer with a mug of steaming tea and two plain choccy biscuits means I can update my blog - before I get back to the great hoodie hunt.

I finished the bag and purse (my first commission) and my customer was really pleased with it, and has now ordered another one for someone else! I hand cut out and sewed on all the letters which took a while as I wanted them perfect.

The rest of the week has been spent looking for P's Guide hoodie, ironing (I was going to post an 'arty' phot of my ironing volcano but it was too depressing!) and making stock. I am doing two fairs this week-end, Cossington on Saturday and Coldharbour Mill on Sunday. Pickle-Lily is away with the Guides at Exeter on Saturday (which is why I am now turning the house upside down looking for the hoodie. The problem is none of us can actually remember when she wore it last, and when something like this happens I have to find it, I won't stop looking until I find it as it will annoy me until it is found.) So Pickle (big brother) and the P's dad have been volunteered to come and support me. I've no idea what to expect so watch this space... P is determined to come on Sunday, despite the early start, as there are supposed to be llamas at Coldharbour and she really wants to meet a llama (actually so do I).
This means I will miss Knit Club on Saturday. I love Knit Club - it is run by the lady who taught Kirstie Allsopp to knit. Suzie is great fun as are all the other ladies who go, and it's a chance to knit, drink tea, eat cake, chat and knit. It really soothes my soul. I love knitting and crafting - that's how Pickle-Lily came about (the stall not the girl!), when I stopped teaching full time, so many people encouraged me to make things and now sell them instead of giving them away. But Knit Club is also about the atmosphere and the friendliness as well. Hark at me wittering! So - I'll miss it tomorrow.
Anyway, tea finished, back to the hoody hunt.... I will find it!


  1. Ah, we missed you at Knit Club too! It was a perfect way to spend a rainy morning actually. Hope you had an enjoyable/profitable time at Cossington and hope you found the hoodie. See you soon. Hx

  2. Yes you were missed!

    I have the same trouble as you when something is lost. I feel deranged till it turns up. I'm still looking for a ring I lost when I was 15 and my camera case which went missing 4 years ago.

    See you at the next KC?



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