
Sunday 1 February 2015

The Bees Knees

Eleanor Burgess
January's WI meeting was all about bees! We had Eleanor Burgess, from The Beekeeping Ladies, give us a talk about Bees and how we can help them as gardeners. I have met Eleanor and her mum Rosemary many times at various fairs and really enjoy their company, as well as their lip balm!! I found out that Eleanor is the local bee inspector and thought what a great job! So The Beekeeping ladies were invited to give us a talk, and it was fascinating. Did you know during WWII bees had their own sugar rations at winter, and that's where the role of bee inspector comes from, it was their job to check the bees really were getting their sugar! Eleanor was full of information, and no matter what bee related question was asked, she knew the answer!
The Beekeeping Ladies goodies
The problem is, my mind is now buzzing with bee ideas ....

1 comment:

  1. aahh lovely, They are such a lovely ladies and there products are beautiful. I didn't know you were a member of the WI ladies :-) look forward to seeing what Bee things you make now, dee xx


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