
Friday 16 January 2015

Happy Friday

This week I want to join in with a lovely idea on Planet Penny's blog - Happy Friday! I love this blog, it is in my 'real crafty favourites' folder, and Happy Friday is such a good idea.
This week I have been on a two day forest school skills course, where I have spent two days out in the woods. To be honest I was expecting it to be cancelled as the weather forecast was awful!!
So yesterday, we lit fires, made shelters, put shelters back up again when they blew down, practised knots, lashing, frapping as well as learning how to make tent pegs and our own mallet. I came home, had a bath at 7pm and went to bed at 8pm!!

Happy Friday!
Today, we lit fires, redid our shelter, made a new one, lit fires, cooked food on open fires, make a 'skellington' (as Jon called it) and went on a leaf hunt several times! I came home shattered and stinking of wood smoke, and expect to continue to do so for some time!
The little wooden 'hut' was our Thunderbox toilet!
Why don't you visit Planet Penny as join in as well?


  1. What lovely pictures of you enjoying the beautiful nature of your surroundings.

  2. A forest skills course sounds like such fun. You made me laugh with the 'thunderbox toilet'! I'm so glad to have found your blog via Planet Penny. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. x

  3. Wow Jo no wonder you were in bed by 8pm I am shattered just Reading about what you did and learned in Forest School sounds amazing though. dee xx


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