
Monday 14 April 2014

Hello-hurrah - what a nice day - for the Eden Project

Yesterday, Mr P-L, Pickle-Lily and I headed off to St.Austell  for a day at the Eden Project. I used my Tesco club card points so entrance didn't cost any real money, although I did pre-book for Mr P-L and P to go on the SkyWire.
Inside the Rainforest Biome
We had a fabulous day, it wasn't nearly as busy as I'd thought it would be, and the sun was out!
First up, was the chocolate trading trail through the Rainforest Biome. We met Mayan ladies, some very cheeky Conquistadors and a very warm Victorian lady serving imaginary hot chocolate! I, off course embarrassed teenage daughter, by playing along with the role-play and joining in with the activities. We also made our own small chocolate bar!
Burnt wood sculptures

Hanging sculptures

Inside the Rainforest Biome

WEEE man sculpture
Mr P-L and P then went for a 'go' on the SkyWire - England's longest zipwire, whilst I sat knitting in the sunshine with two friendly robins for company, as I waited for them to zip overhead!
knitting in the sunshine
Lunch was very pleasant, although be warned if you have a fussy eater there isn't much in the way of  plain or simple food available.
These are called Ballerina - I want some!

Then we went to the Mediterranean Biome - which was perfect. There were the most amazing displays of tulips. Beautiful colours and textures. We finished the visit with an ice-cream in the sunshine visiting the outside gardens. we managed to take 137 photos and 2 videos - so these are just a select few!


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