
Sunday 20 April 2014

Cute Cookie Tutorial

cute cookie
At the end of the month I have a stall at a food and drink festival where I am selling my food themed goodies.

The 'little grey cells' have been whirring away and the cute cookie is one idea I've come up with and so I thought I'd share it with you as a non fattening Easter treat! 

You could use it as a keyring or brooch.

You will need

2 circles of tan felt - whatever size you want your cookie to be, mine are 5cm across
2 small black brads or buttons
11cm of ribbon
small piece of chocolate felt
a split keyring
sewing thread

To Make

Find the centre of one of the circles, and just a little way up make two small holes close to each other for the brads. I use the points of my little scissors, but the official way is to get a pin or needle and then wriggle it in the hole, to make it bigger!
Push the brads through to make the eyes or
Sew on two small black buttons to make the eyes.
Sew a big smiley mouth with a little stitch at the bottom and at each end.
face details
Cut small circles from the chocolate felt - I did this freehand.
cutting chocolate chips
Sew them randomly on as chocolate chips and I used one to make a nose. At the same time, hold the folded ribbon behind the face, to help catch it in place as the loop for your key ring.
As you sew the chocolate chips on catch the ribbon in place
Put the two circles together with the ribbon loop sandwiched in the middle and sew around the outside edge. It can be blanket stitch or even a simple running stitch.
For an idea of a simple decorative running stitch and how to turn it into a brooch see here.
Blanket stitch around the outside

Happy Easter everyone!
I'm joining in with Handmade Monday this week, so welcome if you're a visitor from there.


  1. Such a cute idea, Happy Easter.

  2. What a cute idea. I am sure they will be popular.

  3. These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing x

  4. These are the cutest! Thanks for sharing such a great idea. Happy Easter.

  5. Very cute, thanks for sharing it :)

  6. I've never used brads for eyes so thanks for the tip :)
    Wishing you and 'ickle P a great Easter :)

    Jan x

  7. How sweet! Looks good enough to eat! Will have to try this one with my daughter. xx

  8. Very sweet and good tutorial

  9. supa sweet and indeed, healthy option :)

  10. Aww so cute! Not sure if its non fattening though, its put me in the mood for a real cookie or two! :)


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