
Sunday 8 April 2012

Hoppy Easter

Lots of chocolate this way!
 Happy Easter everyone and to celebrate, the old favourite Easter Nests - very simple and you could make some in the next ten minutes!
Easter Nests
You need...
22gg of chocolate - any sort or colour!
50g of butter
2 tablespoons of golden syrup  (these last two ingredients make your nests more chewy and less brittle!)

Mix together in a big over a low heat
until melted, then add 100g of cornflakes
and stir together.
Dollop in the cakes cases and add mini eggs. This mix makes about 18 including some mix for testing and some for missing!

Have a great Easter week-end, off now to have a cup of tea and an Easter nest. Big Pickle is back from Marine camp this afternoon and there won't be any left after he gets home!
Jo and Pickle-Lily
P.S Have decided to be lazy and use this post for Handmade Monday - why not visit all the other blogs and see what goodies they have to share?


  1. these look very yummy x Mich :)

  2. Mmm, yummy Easter nests! Happy Easter!

  3. those nests look really yummy x

  4. yum - I love those choccy eggs on top- can't stop eating them. Well done on your WI coverage.

  5. I remember being a little girl and making these with cornflakes and with rice crispies. Yummy. Happy Easter. x

  6. I also love the rice krispie ones these sort of treats are so delicious.

  7. Ooohhh, the Easter nests are lovely, but I musn't be tempted! One of them and I would eat the whole lot. Hope you have a good week.

  8. Ooh I haven't made cornflake cakes for yeeeeeears!

  9. I love the comment about including extra to take care of the cake testing... genius! Happy Easter :)

  10. Yummy, yummy I love these little crispy cakes. Hugs Sue x

  11. Yum! I have to have a go at making these!



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