
Wednesday 4 April 2012

The chain gang

I'm excited - my first pattern in print! My April copy of WI Life arrived today....
and on page 71 is my knitted paper chain pattern!
and a name check too!

It is being used at the WI AGM at the Albert Hall in May for an attempt on the World Record for knitting together.
Am I sad for being so excited?
Jo x


  1. Well done you!! My mum get's that magazine so I shall take a peek. You must feel very proud. Sue x

  2. Fantastic! Wow! Clever girl :) How did you manage that then?

  3. Well done, make sure you frame a copy :o)

    Jan x

  4. Well done you! Looking forward to contributing to the cause!! The cahine looks great and I can foresee lots of chains being made for parties too xxx

  5. No, you're not sad I would be jumping up and down the street with joy!

  6. No, you're not sad at all - even I am excited for you!!

    Well done - it's always brilliant to see your work in print x

  7. Wow!!! Well done you. May the chain be long and unbroken. Hugs Mrs A.
    p.s. Chuffed to bits for you.

  8. Wow, well done you!!
    I remember when my first pattern was printed it's a really good feeling isn't it.
    Hope it's the first of many.

  9. That's brilliant Jo well done you must be totallly over the moon!


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