
Monday 28 November 2011

There's Only 26 Sleeps...

My scarf
Hi its P,
It's been a very busy week at Pickle-Lily (again)!
Yes a depressing thought to most adults but I'm very exited - I've been making loads of pressies including a pompon scarf for mum and something else she doesn't know about! The pompon wool knits up really quickly and the scarf is extremely long!

I've also been sewing coasters for family, my favourite is the bumble bee!

Soon the advent calenders will be up and we'll have to drag dad up into the loft to get them, along with a chocolate one which gets bigger as you get closer to Christmas! All this excitment (and squealing on my behalf) has made for a very excited time (except Dad as I may have burst his eardrum with all the squealing).

We also went back to Coldharbour Mill for another fair!

If you've come from Handmade Monday please go see everyone else's beautiful blogs.


PS Mum will be back later in the week.

Thursday 24 November 2011

And the winner is ......


Well done Picto
Congratulations you are the lucky winner!

Hi its P here and I would like to thank everybody who followed our blog and left a comment!
You have won...

A beautiful bag made by Claudia from Annabelle bags, from lovely spotty and floral Laura Ashley fabric

... Issue two of Mollie Makes with knot necklace kit

...a ball of Adriafil Impulso trends

.... half a metre of Japanese shopping fabric

... a little box of Lindor chocolates!

I hope you enjoy them!
After lots of paper folding, I picked out a piece of paper to decide the winner, thanks for entering!

No peeping!

I hope you keep following, today I continued with my project-a knitted pompon scarf for mums Christmas pressie- watch this space; and made a trip to MIU after popping my foot!

Mum and I are off to Coldharbour Mill on Saturday for their Christmas Fair, really excited, I wonder if there will be alpacas again?

This is P signing off xxx

Monday 21 November 2011

Only 7 to go!

Only seven more followers needed and then Pickle-Lily can draw for the giveaway!
What you can win!
Thank-you for your lovely comments and now to business.
It's been a busy week - as always. Last Tuesday I went to the W.I. where we are making shopping bags out of old t-shirts. They are going to be sold and the money donated to Weston Hospice.
So easy to make
I used my son's old t-shirts as adult ones made ginormous bags that would drag on the ground if filled with shopping. So easy to make - sew across the bottom and cut off the arms and neck to make the handles. There is a demo here .
I also returned to the lovely Connies in Weston to make a sock reindeer. Here he is guarding a basket of reindeer food ...
P has named him Socket - the antlers aren't quite right, they look more like horns so I shall have to rethink them. I met a lovely group of ladies and we had a super evening making our reindeer in a lovely environment. And of course P wants to make one now.
Have a good week - please visit Wendy at 1st Unique Gifts to see what everyone else is up to for Handmade Monday. I am looking forward to Coldharbour Mill Christmas Craft Fair this Saturday and not the hour appointment I have the dentist (again!) later this morning!

Friday 18 November 2011

Festive Friday - Felted Christmas Tree Decorations

Welcome to this week's Festive Friday
Felted Christmas Tree Decorations
I made these to use as either Christmas Tree Decorations or as a decoration on a gift. They are very easy to make using any pure wool. I used Rico's Creative Filz yarn to make these. Instructions are on the Felted Tree Decoration page.
Don't forget to enter the Fifty Follower Giveaway.

Monday 14 November 2011

Fifty Follower Giveaway

Pickle-Lily is having a giveaway.

 I would like to reach fifty followers so I am having a giveaway. Here is what you could win ...

.. .a beautiful bag made by my friend Claudia from Annabelle bags from lovely spotty and floral Laura Ashley fabric
... Issue two of Mollie Makes with knot necklace kit
...a ball of Adriafil Impulso trends
.... half a metre of Japanese shopping fabric
... a little box of Lindor chocolates

All you need to do is....

Follow my blog and then leave a comment to say you have done this. If you are already a follower (thank you) please just leave me a comment.

For extra chances to win you can....

'Like' me on my Facebook page and leave a comment on my blog and on my facebook page to let me know you have done this. If you already 'like' my FB page then please just leave a comment here and FB!

If you would like to blog about my giveaway this will give you another entry. Again leave me another comment here on my blog.
Please ensure that I am able to contact you.

I will keep this giveaway open until I reach fifty followers on here and FB when I will then put all names into a hat and get Pickle-Lily to choose a winner!

I will post internationally so all welcome to enter

So what have I been up to? Last week I felt rotten, I had my tooth out Friday morning and by Tuesday I was back at the dentist as it had become infected, so I didn't manage to craft much - which is why I decided to have my giveaway instead. This week I am busy again and there will be a Festive Friday so please pop back. So why not pop over to Wendy at 1st Unique Crafts for Handmade Monday to see what everyone else is up to.

Jo x

This is now closed and a lucky winner has been chosen.

Monday 7 November 2011

The easiest play dough ever!

Mini stockings
This week I am busy knitting mini stockings for two fairs I'm attending.
Last week I made some red glittery cinnamon scented play dough for the children at school. It has got to be the easiest recipe ever - no saucepans or bowls with mix welded to it! You need
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup salt
4 teaspoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons oil
1 cup of boiling water

Mix it all together and knead. It will make your hands lovely and soft.
just mix
No need to cook it - the boiling water does it for you. I added red food colouring, glitter and some cinnamon. I've made black sparkly, white with toothpaste (scent and colour) whatever takes your fancy. It will keep in an airtight container for about a month - depending on any other items that get mixed with through play. It would make a great gift for any child of whatever age!
Red sparkle play dough
Happy Handmade Monday and Creative Me Monday to you all and thank-you to Wendy and Jenny for hosting and thank-you for all your lovely comments.
Jo x