
Monday 21 November 2011

Only 7 to go!

Only seven more followers needed and then Pickle-Lily can draw for the giveaway!
What you can win!
Thank-you for your lovely comments and now to business.
It's been a busy week - as always. Last Tuesday I went to the W.I. where we are making shopping bags out of old t-shirts. They are going to be sold and the money donated to Weston Hospice.
So easy to make
I used my son's old t-shirts as adult ones made ginormous bags that would drag on the ground if filled with shopping. So easy to make - sew across the bottom and cut off the arms and neck to make the handles. There is a demo here .
I also returned to the lovely Connies in Weston to make a sock reindeer. Here he is guarding a basket of reindeer food ...
P has named him Socket - the antlers aren't quite right, they look more like horns so I shall have to rethink them. I met a lovely group of ladies and we had a super evening making our reindeer in a lovely environment. And of course P wants to make one now.
Have a good week - please visit Wendy at 1st Unique Gifts to see what everyone else is up to for Handmade Monday. I am looking forward to Coldharbour Mill Christmas Craft Fair this Saturday and not the hour appointment I have the dentist (again!) later this morning!


  1. The sock reindeer is lovely. Looks like you have both had a very busy week. Good luck at your Craft Fair on Saturday.

  2. Socket looks fantastic, the antlers are 'quirky' I love him! Good luck with the upcoming fair. x

  3. Love Mr Socket and his antlers! Good luck with your fair and I hope you make it to 50 soon.

  4. I love the sock reindeeer... who cares about his antlers, he will be moving so fast on Christmas Eve that no-one will notice :)

  5. Loving the reindeer (didn't even notice anything about the antlers till you said!) he is so cute x

  6. Socket - what a cute and clever name! I think his antlers are fine x

  7. Love Socket just the way he is. Don't change a thing. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. Socket is so sweet and a good idea over the bags

  9. Rudolph is so amazing. Love his little eyes and huge nose. Like the idea of making old tshirts into bags too. Great idea.

  10. Oh a sock reindeer! I love that! Socket, LOL very clever. I have been in stuffed animal mode myself. Tis the season! :)

  11. Good luck at your craft fair! Love the reindeer :)

    Just popped over to let you know I've awarded you the Leibster Blog Award! Love catching up on your blog so thought you deserved to win.

    Blogged about it here

    Rhi x x

  12. Hi, found you via Pretty Petal Handmade - I am your newest follower! x


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