
Monday 14 November 2011

Fifty Follower Giveaway

Pickle-Lily is having a giveaway.

 I would like to reach fifty followers so I am having a giveaway. Here is what you could win ...

.. .a beautiful bag made by my friend Claudia from Annabelle bags from lovely spotty and floral Laura Ashley fabric
... Issue two of Mollie Makes with knot necklace kit
...a ball of Adriafil Impulso trends
.... half a metre of Japanese shopping fabric
... a little box of Lindor chocolates

All you need to do is....

Follow my blog and then leave a comment to say you have done this. If you are already a follower (thank you) please just leave me a comment.

For extra chances to win you can....

'Like' me on my Facebook page and leave a comment on my blog and on my facebook page to let me know you have done this. If you already 'like' my FB page then please just leave a comment here and FB!

If you would like to blog about my giveaway this will give you another entry. Again leave me another comment here on my blog.
Please ensure that I am able to contact you.

I will keep this giveaway open until I reach fifty followers on here and FB when I will then put all names into a hat and get Pickle-Lily to choose a winner!

I will post internationally so all welcome to enter

So what have I been up to? Last week I felt rotten, I had my tooth out Friday morning and by Tuesday I was back at the dentist as it had become infected, so I didn't manage to craft much - which is why I decided to have my giveaway instead. This week I am busy again and there will be a Festive Friday so please pop back. So why not pop over to Wendy at 1st Unique Crafts for Handmade Monday to see what everyone else is up to.

Jo x

This is now closed and a lucky winner has been chosen.


  1. i follow. Hope your tooth is feeling better. x

  2. I already am a follower of your lovely blog. (Nothing worse than tooth ache - I hope it gets better soon). Sue x

  3. I am now a follower on FB too - Sue x

  4. Woo hoo! Hope that you make 50 soon... I think that there will be many more than that soon :) Sorry to hear that you had a dry socket... so painful, hope that you recover quickly.

  5. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather - hope you feeling better soon. Good luck with the giveaway, you know I follow and I've liked you on fb

  6. You are up to 33 now only 17 more to go. I am dotty over dots very 50's/60's.

    Hope you are feeling better soon

  7. I already follow. Good luck with reaching the next step.

  8. Sorry to hear about the tooth - hope you feel better and don't need another trip to the dentist!
    I liked your FB page also :)

  9. What a generous giveaway, I hope you get well soon. x

  10. I'm already following, but what a great gift - I could do with some more followers too x

  11. Hi Jo,I'm already a follower too and thankyou for the chance to win.I love dots too.take care,hope the tooth has settled down,love

  12. Sounds very painful Jo - hope you are feeling much better now. I am a follower, so off to to the same on Facebook.

  13. Love your blog - already a follower (CraftyLindy) - met you on a very wet and windy day @ Wembdon event sharing the craft marquee. Love Claudia's bags - have had 3 so far and need to contact her to enquire if she can do swimming bags... must do that now while I remember!! Good luck with the followers - I don't do FB. Best wishes Linda xx

  14. What a great givaway, the bag looks lovely as does everything else. I hope you are feeling better soon, toothache is a horrible thing.

    Jan x

  15. GFC Follower. Fun giveaway.


  16. Thought i was a follower already as i read your blog regularly! Obviously not, but now remedied! Hope you're feelomg better now. Toothache is rotten!

  17. I've followed! I'm going to go and check I'm following on FB now. Hope the toothache is better now x

  18. Hi
    I hope you fell better,
    I'm following your Blog
    I love all things you are giving away, many thanks for your generosity.

  19. That's a really sweet idea! Give aways are a great way to promote and get plenty of followers. Never had the guts to do that... yet ;)

    Just looked at your last post. I adore the mini stockings! How cute! So festive.

  20. The play dough recipe and yarn giveaway have lured me over to the pickle side!

  21. Was following already ;-)
    Just doing a couple of little bits and bobs over the next week or so for our swap, should be ready to post out on 30th November too x

  22. I'm sorry about your tooth, it seems as I get older more things give me trouble! yuck. :( I hope you reach your fifty followers, that is exciting. And I was glad to see that you're on FB also! Everything is so interconnected now!

  23. I am already a faithful follower! Thank you for the chance. You have my deepest sympathies with your tooth out, I had two out earlier in the year and the pain was unbelievable (thank goodness for codein products). Also a very quick thank you for your kind comments on my Blog. E x

  24. What a lovely giveaway, congrats on gaining followers! x

  25. Hi, I thought I was a follower because I've read your blog through Cuckoo's before. Never mind, I've fixed that now and will have a little catch up. Good luck on reaching 50 followers - you'll soon be there! Isn't it exciting when you get new followers?!

    Would love to be entered into the giveaway please. I'm having one over at mine soon so keep checking!


  26. Lovely Blog - have just started following you.

  27. Just found your blog and I love it! The play dough recipe makes me wish I still had little ones around!
    Oh, I became a follower today.
    Hope your tooth is feeling better.

  28. Toothache ow! Hope you are feeling better now and busy with crafting for Christmas! I'm manic! I'm already a follower on here and facebook. Loving your felted Xmas trees, I recently learned to felt its brilliant isn't it.

  29. Lovely idea, now I thought I was a follower - your blog updates in my reader but I'm not on your list on the side (? maybe it's me!) - will try and re-set it so maybe that will take you to 6 to go.

    Following anyway :-)
    Dawn x

  30. Could I please enter? Such a fab giveaway!

    Good luck in reaching 50 followers!

    Rhi x

  31. A new follower here would love to enter the giveaway.
    I did the like thing on FB also.
    Now to have a look round your lovely blog.
