
Tuesday 2 August 2011

Bits and Pieces

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while, but time seemed to slip away so quickly last week, and I can't believe it is Tuesday already!

P's felt flowers
 Pickle-Lily didn't go to Guide camp in the end and ended up in a bright pink glass fibre cast on Friday. She spent the week reading and watching a lot of TV. Over the week-end she discovered, thanks to the lovely Jill at Savvy Sisters she can wet felt, one handed! Since then she has been out in the garden making lots of lovely felt flowers  for her friends as presents. P's plan is to write a tutorial for the blog on how to wet felt with the simplest easiest equipment going, so watch this blog!

P and I dragged the Pickle daddy along to Coldharbour Mill for the day on Saturday. We had such a lovely day, that's where we met Jill, sat next to our friend Sara from Sara's Texture Crafts and admired all her beautiful yarn and tops. We enjoyed the sunshine, made new friends and had a lovely day.

I spent the week making extra things as there is now a stockist of Pickle-Lily products. Sea Breeze in Burnham-on-Sea now stocks some of my mermaids, pirates, felt bags, pencil cases, brooches, hairclips and phone socks. If you are in Burnham pay the shop a visit - it is packed with lots of lovely things. I am now making lots more things to sell on my stall, as well as lots of ideas buzzing around in my head with my fingers itching to make them all! Just never enough hours in the day.
I did make this felt bag on commission for some lovely ladies I met at Cannington, and very soon it will be winging its way to New Zealand!

As well as the knitting and sewing there has been lots of the usual everyday stuff washing, ironing, baking and maybe even some cleaning! So not an exciting week but very busy, just like all the other mums, and I do apologise if I haven't commented on your blog lately I 'will do better'!
Have a good week.
Jo x


  1. It's difficult to fit everything in, especially now the kiddies are off school.
    I hope P-L is managing in her cast.

    Jan x

  2. Poor Pickle Lily, hope she's feeing better soon. On the plus side I can't wait for the tutorial as myself and one of my friends really want to try felting out and the flowers look fab!!!!

  3. Well I am very impressed that you have a *supplier*, that is dead posh and proper business-like - well done you. Hope things get a bit less hectic (although being busy is good sometimes). See you on Saturday? Hx

  4. Thanks for the mention, Lil' Pickle Lily is lovely and was a pleasure to teach wet felting. I am so glad to hear that she's busily making brooches, has she tried making a bangle yet?

    Jill xx


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