
Tuesday 26 July 2011

Unbirthday Swap

My unbirthday present!

Check out the cute button.

This morning the postman delivered a parcel. It was my unbirthday swap from the lovely Gill at Dosie Rosie. This is a swap organised by the Undomesticated Scientist and Gill and my parcels travelled from the east coast to the west coasr!
In my parcel - which Pickle-Lily had to open as well - was a lovely bar of Norfolk lavender soap, a very pretty shopping design fat quarter, a bar of yummy chocolate, some pretty stickers (I've hid them already!), some lovely smellies, a lovely little zip up purse and a lovely wallet with cute little dog button detail on it.

P has already laid claim to this! I'm a real push-over at the moment as she is moping around with me. Still I've managed to move her hospital appointment forward as she didn't get to go to camp.
Detail from the card

There was of course an unbirthday card to go with the swap.
Gill is a very clever lady.


  1. What a gorgeous gift, I'd be over the moon if the postie delivered me something like that. Hope you and the little one enjoy it. x

  2. A lovely bundle of surprises to be explored whilst eating the chocolate

  3. So glad it arrived safely and you like everything.

  4. lucky you, i can tell you had a great unbirthday. good to see its not just me that looses half of her new things to small people! (me 'tiny , have you seen mummys new bag/flower/purse etc' tiny 'thats beautiful, its mine now')

  5. You did well there love, what a lovely parcel of goodies.


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