
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Why are pirates pirates?

Because they arrgghh!!
I have finally finished my pirate prototype - here he is - knitted in Rowan wool, and he is now ready and his crew to go on the website and to craft fairs with me! Pickle Dad has been busy over the week-end adding to the website so it can show some of items that you can buy from Pickle-Lily. It is still very much work in progress, as I now have to write descriptions for everything we make and take lots of photos.

This is mummy mermaid with her girls, handknitted bodies in soft cotton and the tails in Sirdar medici, a beautiful glittery yarn, with long wild hair - sounds like P's hair! I am really pleased with these ladies. P has spent ages making up names for them all.

I've still got lots more ideas floating around in my head, it's just finding enough time to make them all!

Still, now the rain has stopped I've got lots of washing out drying, which means lots of ironing as well, and all I want to do is sit and knit! It is also half term, which means I need to pry Pickle (big brother) away from the xbox and out into the fresh air - just had visions of the witch in The Wizard of Oz going 'I'm melting... I'm melting...'. Pickle Lily wants to put on an art show in the house - all I am thinking is where?

Have a happy half-term!


  1. Aaah he's so cute, ok I know pirates are not supposed to be cute but hey why follow the norm?

    Loving the mermaids too.

    Jan x

  2. You're a clever little knitter aren't you! They look fabby. I just know somehow you'll find he time to bring to fruition all those ideas you have spinning through your head. xxx

  3. They all look brilliant, well done. I love the smiling skull and crossbones on the pirate's hat!

  4. ahahaha! those chubby mermaids are so cute! :D you just cant not smile at the sight of them!


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