
Tuesday 24 May 2011

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Yesterday I accompanied one of the classes I do regular supply with to the beach at Weston-super-Mare. To say it was windy was an understatement!
We had a lovely day - visiting the museum in the morning, full of interesting things ...
What about this Victorian Punch and Judy stall! it was so gruesome complete with coffin and hangman's noose.

It is a great place to visit though, as it was full of corner's for the under 5's - with books, cushions, colouring, toys, dressing up and somewhere for a weary adult to rest their feet.

We had a very windy walk along the new pier, where we stopped to watch the waves crashing below our feet.
The afternoon was spent eating ice-cream and making sandcastles on the beach. It was a super day, and all paid for by the school PTA!
When I got back home for a lovely cup of tea it was then just removing all the sand - in my ears, eyebrows, and when I ran my hands through my hair it showered sand!
This has inspired me more with my seaside ideas for Pickle Lily - so hopefully there will be new ideas on here soon.
Jo x


  1. I bet you were shattered weren't you! Looking forward to seeing your seaside inspired designs.

  2. Hello,

    Just wanted to say hi and it was good to see you again at Knit Club on Saturday. I love your blog, it's great fun. Have plunged myself into the "blogosphere" and can see it fast becoming a real time-thief (as if I need any more of those!). See you again soon.


  3. It really has been windy hasn't it!! Your photo's make WSM look idyllic! Looking forward to seeing what you make after a bit of seaside inspiration. xxx


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