
Tuesday 31 May 2011

Why are pirates pirates?

Because they arrgghh!!
I have finally finished my pirate prototype - here he is - knitted in Rowan wool, and he is now ready and his crew to go on the website and to craft fairs with me! Pickle Dad has been busy over the week-end adding to the website so it can show some of items that you can buy from Pickle-Lily. It is still very much work in progress, as I now have to write descriptions for everything we make and take lots of photos.

This is mummy mermaid with her girls, handknitted bodies in soft cotton and the tails in Sirdar medici, a beautiful glittery yarn, with long wild hair - sounds like P's hair! I am really pleased with these ladies. P has spent ages making up names for them all.

I've still got lots more ideas floating around in my head, it's just finding enough time to make them all!

Still, now the rain has stopped I've got lots of washing out drying, which means lots of ironing as well, and all I want to do is sit and knit! It is also half term, which means I need to pry Pickle (big brother) away from the xbox and out into the fresh air - just had visions of the witch in The Wizard of Oz going 'I'm melting... I'm melting...'. Pickle Lily wants to put on an art show in the house - all I am thinking is where?

Have a happy half-term!

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Yesterday I accompanied one of the classes I do regular supply with to the beach at Weston-super-Mare. To say it was windy was an understatement!
We had a lovely day - visiting the museum in the morning, full of interesting things ...
What about this Victorian Punch and Judy stall! it was so gruesome complete with coffin and hangman's noose.

It is a great place to visit though, as it was full of corner's for the under 5's - with books, cushions, colouring, toys, dressing up and somewhere for a weary adult to rest their feet.

We had a very windy walk along the new pier, where we stopped to watch the waves crashing below our feet.
The afternoon was spent eating ice-cream and making sandcastles on the beach. It was a super day, and all paid for by the school PTA!
When I got back home for a lovely cup of tea it was then just removing all the sand - in my ears, eyebrows, and when I ran my hands through my hair it showered sand!
This has inspired me more with my seaside ideas for Pickle Lily - so hopefully there will be new ideas on here soon.
Jo x

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Chocolately chocolate cake

This is the chocolately chocolate cake I made for P's party Sunday afternoon - it was so yummy (if I say so myself!), and it all disappeared by Monday! I finished all the purses and then we filled them with bits and bobs, and the girls seemed to like them. I had a couple of mums say how much they liked them in the playground yesterday.
Last week was busy, as P's school had OSTEd in, and they asked me to do some supply for them on and off during the week. This was great as I had lots of work. This week I haven't been booked at all, so I am busy re-stocking. One of the mums asked me to do a Pickle Lily party, but I'm not sure. I've never even been to a commercially organised one, you know like Jamie Oliver or Usborne books, so I wouldn't know where to start. Still I shall give it deep thought.
I would like to say thank-you to Wendy at 1stuniquegifts for Handmade Monday last week, as I had lots of lovely comments, so if you're visiting from there WELCOME!

Monday 9 May 2011

Handmade Monday

I have just joined Handmade Monday! It's a way of promoting your blog to others. If you want to know more see
If you're visiting me from there - welcome to Pickle-Lily!

This week has been slower on the crafty front as I have been busy making purses for P to use at her pottery party this Sunday - all to the girls colour order! Just hope they like them!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Folksy and Baking Bags

I have now opened a Pickle-Lily shop on Folksy to sell some of my items. I am sure more will be added as I get the time.

My latest idea is Baking Bags. I have a daughter who loves to 'enclose' things, put them in bags, boxes, whatever she can find or use. P also likes baking. So I have put the two ideas together to create Baking Bags. A cotton bag with an apron, whisk, wooden spoon and rolling pin, cake cases, 2 cookie cutters and a recipe card. Great as a gift or for a child who likes cooking. P had to keep my prototype. I've put them on Folksy and will take them to any fairs I go to. We'll just have to see how it all goes.