
Monday 1 February 2016

What's on my needles?


So what is on the knitting needles? I treated myself to a mystery yarn box from Rosie's Moments with my Christmas money and what a lovely surprise it was! Some beautiful yarn called 'When Alice met the caterpillar' as well as lots of other Alice themed goodies. Although the box included a sock pattern, I decided that the yarn was too lovely to be hidden inside shoes and so after trawling Ravelry found the pattern for a Samadhi shawel by Martina Behm. I'm almost half way through and looking forward to wearing it. The pattern is really easy to follow and memorise, so I can pick it up and do a few rows every so often. I have to be honest and admit that I've subscribed to the next mystery yarn box too based on the story 'The Secret Garden' and I can't wait!
Alice in Wonderland mystery yarn box

I'm also knitting bunnies for my Pickle-Lily shop and enjoying choosing colours for their jumpers, I'll be a little bit sad when they go their new homes.
Bunny love

In between knitting the shawl and bunnies, and when my fingers feel like a change, I've reworked my felt badger design, as I'm looking forward to the next open week-end at the local wildlife rescue centre. It's the week-end visitors get to see the badger cubs and they are seriously cute!
badger badges

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