
Friday 2 January 2015

Sock it to 'em!

Late last year, I went to the  Wool Sanctuary to spend the day learning how to knit socks with the fab-u-lous Suzie Johnson. During the course of a very long day - 9 to 5 - Suzie is very generous with her time, I learnt how to knit using four needles, a new method of casting on, a new way of picking up stitches, how to turn a heel and how to graft the toe together at the end for a lovely neat finish.
Charlie Chocolate socks

It was such a lovely day, just two of us sock newbies and Suzie, and a very focused and intense day.
The finished pair!
I did then come home and knit the other sock and I am very proud of them - far too good for wearing though!!
If you want to learn to knit - I can highly recommend Suzie, after all she was good enough for Kirstie Allsopp!!
Work in progress
Before I go - I'd like to wish you all - A very Happy New Year x.

1 comment:

  1. I am loving the socks Jo, you must wear them there gorgeous :-) 4 needles blimey I get confused sometimes just with 1 hook :-) Happy new year, dee xx


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