
Thursday 7 August 2014

Lovely Lyme

Pretty beach huts
For two days this week, P has been at Sew La Di Da in Lyme Regis doing a teen dressmaking workshop, so Mr P-L 'volunteered' to drive us there each day. While P was at her workshop Mr P-L and I had two lovely days out together.
On the Cobb
The first day we spent in Lyme Regis itself, which I loved! It is full of small quirky shops, although they can be expensive and sadly no knitting yarn shops. Mr P-L was very patient at letting me browse around them all. I especially loved Ruby Rock Cake and could have spent a small fortune in there! Sadly my favourite shop no longer exists - the author and illustrator Laurence and Catherine Anholt used to own The Bookshop by the Sea full of their lovely books. Inside the shop there is a spiral staircase fashioned around a tree, branches as shelves and little fairy doors everywhere - magical! Many moons ago we had a school trip there where the children met the author and illustrator, read them stories and chatted to them, lovely.
Laurence Anholt reading to us in 2007
We of course had to go for a walk along the Cobb, I prefer to think of Persuasion (my favourite Jane Austen) rather than the French Lieutenant's Woman as we're walking. As we're walking a huge wave comes crashing over and soaks us. I haven't laughed so much in ages - and so did everyone else!!! Mr P-L's hood even filled with sea water!
Just to prove it!
The next day I decided on Weymouth - I 'd never been there, so we dropped P off and off we went. To be honest, I was disappointed very commercial and full of seaside tourist shops. The beach is lovely, warm golden sand and lovely blue sea, very different to here, and we did go for a paddle! We did treat ourselves to some seriously delicious waffles from Waffle On - well worth a visit! A tantalising picture can be seen on my instagram page jopicklelily.
In the afternoon we went to Portland Bill - which was beautiful. Drove past Chesil beach - will go there on another day - and up to the lighthouse. A fabulous place to go. I quite intrigued by the 'huts' as apparently you can sleep in them, but when I googled them later was stunned at the price!! £24,000.
Mr P-L climbed the lighthouse, but I had the wrong footwear on (my excuse and I'm keeping to it!) so I didn't!
Portland Bill
The finished dress!
We then returned to Lyme Regis to collect P who had finished her dress and looked beautiful in it. Complete with hidden zip, under stitching and a toile I was / am very proud of her.

1 comment:

  1. What lovely days you had. I hope you dried out quickly after the wave passed. Well done P your dress is gorgeous, lovely fabric.
    Ali xx


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