
Friday 10 January 2014

Forest School Log - Mud!!!!!

As I have posted before I am lucky enough to teach Forest School four afternoons a week, and to be honest they are the best afternoons!
This week it has been very muddy in our little patch, and because it gets so much use it has just got muddier and muddier. The activity the children and I came up with was building our own walkway over the mud using the materials we could find. Mind you, it still didn't stop them playing 'Stuck in the mud' for real, skidding in the mud and 'accidently' falling over!
It was interesting to see how the different classes tackle the activity. One class made stepping stones using logs, whilst another laid them down next to each other. I also loved seeing the co-operation, kindness, encouragement and bravery that was happening.

Yummy hot chocolate!

We even ended up on Wednesday drinking hot chocolate in the rain - and guess what, I was told it tasted even better! (I thought it might have had something to do with the mini marshmallows myself!)


  1. What a pleasure to teach that must be. I used to teach outdoor education years ago in the states and now take my little boy to the woods as often as possible he LOVES it!

  2. Ahh forest school...that literally must be the highlight of the kids' weeks :-) x


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