
Sunday 26 January 2014

Forest School Log - Ice Mobiles

Ice mobiles
The week started out  with a frost, so I decided this week's forest school would make use of it. So we made ice mobiles. These are very easy to make and like all the other forest school activities can be easily done at home.
The children donned their wellies and we squelched and sloshed about looking for 'interesting things'. They mostly chose natural objects, leaves, berries, fir cones and daisies! It shows how mild it is to find daisies in January!!!
arrange your findings
These were carefully arranged in ice-cream tubs, but you could also cut down milk containers and use the 'tub' that produces. A large loop of wool (or string) was also laid in the arrangement and then water carefully poured over, just enough to cover the contents. Making sure one end of the loop was well down in the water and the other half is draped out of the tub.
My plan had been to leave them out to freeze, but the weather became milder and the rain started - again. So I put them carefully in the freezer. When they were ready, a quick dip in some warm water to loosen them and then they were hung on a tree to bob in the wind. The children loved them and so did I!
I thought I would add this to Handmade Monday this week, as something different to make!! Why not see what everyone else is up to?



  1. What a great idea! Such a fun thing to do with the children.

  2. I love that idea! A great little project to do with the kids.

  3. What a great idea, not seen it before:)I am off to Pin it:) Vicky

  4. What a fantastic idea! I'm going to use that with my little one this week!

  5. Aww what a great idea for winter fun with the kids. They remind me of making ice bowls as a child, i was fascinated by them! :)

  6. Ive never seen anything like this before, looks great and good fun for the kids

  7. It looks great and good fun too. Hope you have a good week.

  8. Like Trace I have never seen or heard of these before. Great for small and not so small people ;)

  9. What beautiful ice creations. I will have to try this craft with my little grandson.

  10. These are lovely, I've made them when my 'kiddies' were 'kiddies'. We used to put glitter in too. :)

    I made an ice container for a candle a few weeks ago, it's great fun.

    Jan x

  11. What a fabulous activity, I think monster and I might try that as soon as I've cleared a space in the freezer. Thanks for sharing.

  12. I've never heard of an ice mobile before. What a great idea to do with the kids.

  13. What a fantastic idea! I'm going to use that with my little one this week!
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