
Sunday 4 August 2013

The rain came down and the water came up!

Yesterday was  Nunney Street Fair, we went last year and had a great time, as you can read here . This year it was a little different!
The morning was fantastic - hot, bright and sunny weather. The streets were thronging with people, the bands were playing, the knight was posing with his horse and the organ was playing all based around the ruined castle.
The brave knight!


Then the thunder came, followed by the lightening and the torrential rain! The rain was so heavy it even lifted the drains! Sadly we had to pack up, and some people lost stock and gazebos, a real shame to what had started so brilliantly.
Still, Pickle-Lily had a super time at Guide camp, and managed to visit Splashdown Water Park on Thursday on the hottest day of the year. I now have the camera back and can start taking lots of pictures of the things I have been making, including, dare I say it, Christmas things!
What have you been up to this week, I am going to join in with Handmade Monday and visit lots of blogs this week as the weather forecast is not looking too good!
For some reason Blogger will only let me adjust and caption the first two pictures when I download them, if you have any suggestions on how I can adjust and caption them all, I would welcome your help.


  1. It looks like a wonderful day, shame it had to start raining. How organised are you Christmas makes already. I don't know what is going on with blogger. It won't let me put photos where I want and moves my words.
    Ali x

  2. That looks like a proper castle, and a knight too! I'm sorry your day came to a damp end. These heavy rain bursts have been popping up all over (we're having one now).
    I have started my Christmas stuff too, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been doing.

  3. Oh, it's so horrible when a downpour ruins a good fair, isn't it?

  4. Least you had part of the day going well before the downpour but shame for the people who lost stock, that's unfair.

  5. I think all even organisers dread bad weather. It can be a real spoiler.
    It's good you enjoyed it nevertheless.

  6. It sounds like it was all going so well until the rain came. It must be heartbreaking to lose stock when the weather turns - and it sounds like it went to an extreme. Have a sunnier week *fingers crossed*

  7. At least it happened that way around so people were able to enjoy themselves a bit before the heavens opened.

  8. Lovely to catch up on your news. I've been busy with final wedding preparations for NEXT WEEK! x

  9. Looks like a super day out, despite the weather.

  10. Feel for you with the drowned show, been there!

  11. It's such a shame about the rain on what sound like such a great day.

    I don't know what I'd do without my camera, I'm sure your glad to have it back :)
    Glad 'ickle pickle had a great time :)

    Jan x

  12. What a shame such a lovely start to a lovely event was ended by the rain :(

  13. So sorry to hear you got rained off this year - you can just never predict it!! Look forward to seeing the Christmas makes! Simmi xx

  14. Shame about the weather. Though it looks like you had a great time all the same xx

  15. So disappointing when the weather spoils an outdoor event, but glad you managed to enjoy some of it. The pictures look great. Hope you have a good week


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