
Sunday 16 June 2013

The Giving Bunny Project

Sorry I haven't been around for a while, but Mr P-L has been doing computery things and now I have finally been given some time on the computer! I was going share some more bunting loveliness that Pickle-Lily and I have been working on, but then yesterday we were out shopping and I picked up a copy of 'Made in Felt'

Please take me home
In it Pickle-Lily found an article about the Giving Bunny Project . It is all about making very cute little rabbits out of felt and then leaving them somewhere to be found! There is a google map showing where they have been found, and so of course we had a look! There seem to be very few in the UK, so yesterday afternoon P and I made our first two bunnies - Angelina and Arthur. (For some reason Blogger isn't letting me edit my pictures at the moment, so the layout is a little random!!). As you  can see there is also a cute little label to print off to put with your bunny, for when he is found. Arthur has been put in position, so we will wait to see what happens next! You could always join in! I'm going to share this on Handmade Monday in the hope of recruiting some more bunnies!





  1. The Giving Bunny project sounds a lovely idea and Angelina and Arthur look very cute. Hope you have a good week.

  2. This is a great idea, I'd love to find one but the next best thing would be to make one and let someone else find it :)

    Jan x

  3. Cute! I'll definitely consider joining in with this! x

  4. How cute! I wonder who will find them.

  5. What a great idea! It's like a felt version of geo-caching.

  6. That's a fantastic idea to make and hide bunnies! Not heard of it before though.

  7. awww what a cute idea! I'm sure Angelina and Arthur will find fantastic new homes soon :) x

  8. Your bunny's so cute and what a wonderfully fun idea.

  9. Got to agree with everyone else - those bunnies are lovely and what a great idea to leave them for someone to find.

  10. What a very cute idea.

  11. What a brilliant idea. You'll have to let us know when Arthur and Angelina find new homes xx

  12. Awww they are so gorgeous! Love Arthur's tash! What a lovely idea :-) Simmi x

  13. Your bunnies are really sweet. I think it's a lovely idea to leave them for someone to find.
    Ali x

  14. I love this project! It would be fun to join. Where do we get the pattern and label printable?

  15. What a cute idea. I love the way the little bunnies turned out!

  16. I am in the process of nominating you for the Super Sweet Blogging award.

  17. Your bunnies are so cute!!!


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