
Sunday 12 May 2013

And another new idea

This week I was asked to create a name plaque out of felt for a little girl. Specific colours were required - rose pink and purple. The creative juices started flowing, and this is my finished make.
personalised name plaque
Not a brilliant photo, but it has been very overcast here today, but hopefully you can get an idea. All the letters are hand stitched on, which took me a fair while.
blanket stitched letters
I'm so pleased with it that I think I may add these to my repertoire. So I'm now working on a boy's version with a glittery star as the motif. My only problem is (the eternal one ) how much do I charge?
work in progress
 I'm planning to join in with Handmade Monday this week, and catch up with everyone over the week. Why don't you join in too?


  1. That hand sewing is so worth the time that it took. It looks really lovely. :)

  2. Very nice, my youngest grandson is an Alfie! I have no idea what a good price would be - even with hand sewing people don't always appreciate the time and skll etc.

  3. What a great idea! They look lovely, whatever you decide to sell them for, I'm sure they'll be popular.

  4. They are just adorable. You need to see how long they are taking before you make a decision on price. They'll be popular, though, so don't under price or you could be snowed under!

  5. They look great. It's always hard to tell how long something really takes to make until you've made a few and can eliminate the thinking time, but there's no point working for nothing!

  6. That's lovely, and the hand sewing really makes it extra special - so neat too.
    Prcing is such a dilemma isn't it? All I can say is make sure your costs are covered and leave yourself some profit too. xxx

  7. They're so cute and I love the hand stitching around the letters. It really stands out.

    Coming up with a price is quite tricky, especially when hand sewing is involved, as it's much slower than using a sewing machine.

    Why not take in to account how much it costs in raw materials then add a percentage to it. You could always check to see what similar plaques are selling for on etsy and folksy xx

  8. Aww these are adorable! Perfect for little people's bedrooms :) x

  9. Very cute and such a great idea - very popular too I would think. Hope you have a good week.

  10. They are lovely, simple designs, very well sewn and they look really effective. As for pricing, absolutely no idea'!

  11. I really like the name plaques, they're a great idea and are so well made. Pricing is really hard but you must make sure you charge something for your time as well as covering the cost of materials etc

  12. Deciding what to charge, I find, is one of the most difficult decisions to make. To much, people won't buy, too little and again they won't buy because cheap equals naff! I have a look at Etsy and Folksy to see what others charge for something similar and charge something similar. Not that this has encouraged buyers:-(
    Your name plaques are lovely. The blanket stitch around the letters is so even, even on the curvy bits!
    Hope you're having a creative week.

  13. What lovely plaques, but you are so right about pricing. Take a look at Etsy et al and see where the market sits for similar plaques, but you are right, pricing is a nightmare!

  14. I think it's good to see what price people charge on places like folksy and etsy. However it's always hard as people don't appreciate the cost of your time to produce such a lovely item :-)


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