
Sunday 20 January 2013

Winter Warmer

... and bottomless pit filler!
In my never ending quest to fill the bottomless pit that is my teenage son, this week I created -
Zap Pudding
This is a simple sponge pudding, like a steamed pudding that can be made in minutes.
You need ...
110g of butter or margarine
110g caster sugar
110g self raising flour
2 eggs


Mix these altogether - the all in one creamed method.
Grease four large cups or mini plastic pudding bowls (I got mine from Lakeland), put a large spoonful of jam or syrup or marmalade in the bottom of each one and then share the sponge mixture between them.
Cover with microwave film, and then
ZAP in the microwave.
Mine take 1 minutes 20 seconds in a 800W / E microwave.
Leave for at least a minute before eating as the jam is HOT!
You can substitute two tablespoons of flour for cocoa powder for chocolate pudding, and I'm going to added currants to the next batch.


Jam sponge with custard
I'm sharing this on Handmade Monday this week, I wonder if there will be any more yummy recipes on there? It is also the 100th Handmade Monday this week, so pop over to join in the fun! A big thank-you to Wendy for hosting every week.
Inspired by the snowy weather I've made some felt mug hugs ready for Valentines or Mothering Sunday, and I'm hoping to share them with you as a tutorial soon. I've also been watching the birds from the kitchen window and the bird feeder has been mobbed at times. I've discovered I am no wildlife photographer, as every time I've tried to take a photo, they've flown away! We have had some new visitors to the garden, a group of redwings, very pretty to watch.

As you can see most of the snow has now melted, leaving our lawn looking like a swamp, but more snow is forecast tomorrow...


  1. MMM your pud looks lovely! I think I've made something similar with banana before :-)

  2. The pudding sounds yummy. I've noticed a lot more birds in the garden than usual, and more unusual birds too. It must be hard for them in this weather.

  3. That pudding looks perfect - will have to file it away as mine get older it gets harder and harder to fill them up! Look forward to your tutorial :)

  4. I didn't know a pudding could be cooked so quickly. I'll have to keep this recipe in mind for when I get hungry :-)

  5. Oh Wow - that pud looks immense! I'm hungry now, so going to try it out :-) Simmi x

  6. oooh that pud looks yum!! just perfect for these chilly days :) x

  7. The pudding looks good- and speedy too! I've got a jar of stem ginger I'm trying to find uses for that would be nice chopped up in a pud like that. We've been eating gingery mixed fruit and coconut flapjacks and rhubarb and ginger cobbler- nice and warming for winter!

  8. This is a pudding I'm definitely going to try. I like cinnamon in sponge cakes so I'll give that a go.

    Jan x

    ps Love your snow bear :)

  9. What a great recipe - I love the name of Zap pudding. Hope you have a good week.

  10. Hi Jo - it looks yummy and just what the doctor ordered for weather like this! x

  11. Wow, didn't know you could make puddings this quickly. Definitely one to try, thanks for sharing.

  12. Perfect comfort food for this snowy weather. Thanks for sharing.
    Ali x

  13. The pudding is lovely. I just gave it a go and it was delicious. Eyes bigger than my belly as I put all the mix in a larger bowl before microwaving. Working very hard to get through it all! Thanks for the recipe. Bound to be a favourite of mine. Sue x

  14. Haven't done much about puddings while we've been finishing up the leftovers - but must try this one! Am still recovering from a long session of stock making ready for soups! Sue x

  15. Microwaves are brilliant for sponge puddings aren't they, a very appropriate recipe for this cold weather - I always feel you deserve something warm when it's like this.

  16. My sons are going to love this pudding! Thanks for posting the recipe

  17. Yum one egg left so I can just make this :-)


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