
Thursday 3 January 2013

Railway Children

Happy New Year!
Finished rather late - hence the dark photo!
Generally I blog about what I have been up to or my latest makes, but yesterday I received a very thought provoking email from mumsnet. Normally I don't really have too much to do with mumsnet  as it appears to be mostly aimed at families with young children, and both mine are that bit older. But they are running a campaign with Aviva about a charity called Railway Children - who work with runaways. It is one of the the things that really scares me, and the figures they give are terrifying.

Did you know....
It's estimated that a child runs away from home or care every five minutes in the UK
In a recent survey, one in 11 teenagers aged 14 to 16 admitted to having run away overnight at some stage in their life
It's impossible to know the true scale of the problem: two-thirds of runaways aren't reported as missing to the police, and many are too vulnerable or scared to seek official help
It’s estimated 2000 children will run away over Christmas
(Taken from mumsnet
Aviva are donating £2 to the Railway Children charity for each blogger post about this, as well as a further £2 for each comment. So today, I am joining in.
If you would like to know more see here


  1. Gosh, the figures are scary, well done to mumsnet and to Aviva and well done you for blogging about it, I'm off to check out the link you have so very kindly provided.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2013 X

    Jan x

  2. I am participating in this too ( - it's such a worthwhile cause. I really couldn't believe that 70% of those children who run away go unreported to the police. So sad. Here's hoping we can raise lots of money for the charity and the good work they do and to raise awareness. :-)

  3. I'm taking part in this too :) A really worthy cause so lets hope we can raise lots of cash!

  4. A very worthy charity... it is heartbreaking just how many youngster run away from home

  5. So sad that there are so many child runaways. Great charity.

  6. How hard it must be to feel so alone in the world at such a young age... well done for doing your bit to help these young people x

  7. This is a great charity... you realise how lucky we are, even when we think things are grim.

  8. What a fab cake, and great cause.

  9. Do not like those figures - makes my heart sink! :(

  10. What worrying statistics. Hope you raise lots of money for this worthy cause. Love the cake :)

  11. Those figures are scray and think this is every parents knightmare. Thank you for bringing this chairty to our attention. dee

  12. Re- railway children, the website says-------
    "A £2 donation will be triggered every time a unique user dwells on the Railway Children content for 90 seconds or more, a unique user can only be counted once in a 24-hour period"
    I haven't blogged about it but I will be visiting and commenting on others blogs and popping over to website every day X
    Jan x

  13. It's an incredibly worthwhile cause - it's not much trouble to leave a comment and it's good to know money will be raised for such a good cause.

  14. Anything to help. I know it's a problem in the US also. Seems so many families are at risk these days. Bless you for doing something.

  15. Wow those figures are scary! What a good cause though, well done for joining in.

    Hugs, Estelle xx


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