
Sunday 27 January 2013

A little giveaway

Heart kit
Happy Handmade Monday! I tried really, really hard to get round to everyone's blog last week (I don't know how Wendy does it), but I know I didn't quite make it so thank-you to everyone who posted on here. The problem is I get distracted, I read a post, I see another, I see one that looks interesting in a side bar and I'm off blog hopping!
I've also finally succumbed to pinterest! I realised that I've bookmarked so many interesting and inspiring things in my favourites folder, that I didn't realise what they were. So now I'm pinning them to my boards so I can see them all, and again it's addictive! I dare you to have a peek!
This week I haven't been busy on the making front - I've been to school (no snow day for me), I've been on a teacher's course and on Thursday I went to the craft4crafters show at Exeter. I had a lovely day morning there and was very restrained with my purchases. 
I have been making up kits ready for my first fair next Saturday, Heart kits and Easter Egg kits. I know it's early, but I am trying to be organised!  So I thought I'd have a mini giveaway...

Easter egg kit
A heart kit and a Easter Egg Kit - you can find out more about them here

How to enter
Follow my blog and then leave a comment to say you have done this. If you are already a follower (thank you) please just leave me a comment.

For extra chances to win you can....

'Like' me on my Facebook page and leave a comment on my blog and on my facebook page to let me know you have done this and say which kit you'd like.
If you already 'like' my FB page then please just leave a comment here to remind me!
If you would like to blog about my giveaway this will give you another entry. Again leave me another comment here on my blog.
I'd like to boost Pickle-Lily's own Facebook page, so for an extra entry, please 'like' her page and  leave another comment on here.
Please ensure that I am able to contact you. Pickle-Lily will pull all the names out of a hat on Friday 8th February. Good luck!


  1. I love the hearts!
    I'm already following you!

  2. The hearts are lovely (the eggs are fab too!) I am already a happy follower :)

    Hugs, Estelle xx

  3. I have 'liked' pickle-Lily's page too xx

  4. Lovely easter eggs. I know what you mean about trying to get around everyone's pages.

  5. oooh your little heats and Easter decs are so lovely and cheery!

    I get easily distracted too.. i've just wandered down the page to look at your mug hugs which are just gorgeous by the way! I'm going to try and find the time from somewhere to make some myself now :)

    Following your lovely blog x

  6. The hearts and eggs are lovely - very spring-like. Definitely a follower and will do so on Facebook as well. Hope you have a good week.

  7. Ahhh they're lovely! I do exactly the same... the first half of the blogs I always get through and then I sort of peter off towards the end as I run out of time and get distracted! Have a lovely week! Simmi x

  8. I like your felt Easter eggs, although I am now a bit worried. I am not very good at planning ahead. Christmas sort of caught me out, and Easter is probably going to do the same.

  9. They're really pretty. I really wanted to get round to comment last week, but time just got away from me and here we are again. Where did that week go then?

  10. The hearts and the eggs are really lovely. Bet that they will be popular.

  11. Love your button-y egg- very Spring like and cute!

  12. Our supermarket were selling hot cross buns and Easter eggs just after Christmas so it's never too early to start.....

    Your kits are lovely. I'm sure they will be very popular at the fair.

    This is only my second week for 'Handmade Monday' so I know what you mean by try to fit everyone in.

  13. I am following as Renee g on gfc and I love the eggs kit

  14. I know what you mean about pinterest. You can get sucked in for hours. And you're right about blog hopping too - there is so much out there to look at. I keep pinning things to boards and adding things to my favourites bar - I only wish I had the time to try out all the ideas I keep having!

  15. Love these new pieces... cute :)
    Hope you enjoyed Craft4Crafters? Sorry I missed you there.

  16. Oh blogging and pinterest very addictive. I could spend a whole day just looking at blogs and pinning. Lovely giveaway, I've added you to my followers list.
    Ali x

  17. I get distracted too when reading blogs. Lovely Easter eggs, although some supermarkets have got you beat when it comes to being early :-D

  18. I know what you mean about blog-hopping! I do it all the time too! I really like your mix of craft and cookery. The zap puddings sound great - I am going to point my daughter to this so she can make them for her hungry boys too. Am about to follow you and 'like' your fb page! x


I'm sorry but the amount of spam email has now forced me to use word verification, so thank-you for leaving me a comment, I always enjoy reading them.