
Sunday 9 December 2012

Running out

Merry Christmas everyone!

My beautiful door wreath made by Pickle-Lily
I thought I'd better do this now because I am running out of time and space!
Last time I blogged, Blogger told me I was out of picture space in my Picasa album, so I had to delete a few photos to add some new ones. Since then I have been trying to find a way round it. Google offered to rent me some space at so much a month, but I didn't feel happy doing this, having my details 'moving around' each month. After much googling the solution I have come up with, thanks to Grit in the Gears , is to create a new 'personna' with a new set of storage space. But any better ideas or suggestions would be very gratefully received!
I'd ran out of time because I was just so busy, and to be honest I'd overstretched myself. Last week-end I had four major fairs (Fri to Mon) in different locations and was very, very busy as well as a lot of travelling. This week I had personalised orders, as well as the day job and family life. Then I was supposed to do four fairs (Thurs to Sun) this week, and I just couldn't do it all. So, after much hard thinking I cancelled three of my fairs as I just couldn't be in three places at once. It has taught me a lesson about over stretching, and it will certainly have an influence on next year's activitiess.
Personalised felt bag
One of the things I didn't have to this year was sort out a front door wreath. The very clever Pickle-Lily made one with the Guides. I love it! It was made using a very simple oasis wreath and we keep adding bits from the garden as parts die off, so it changes every so often. I think I'll get her to make one again next year!
wrist warmers
The knitting needles have been busy too! I wanted a pair of wrist warmers to keep my hands warm, but my fingers free when at fairs or I'm out and about and these were so easy to make. They took me a day to knit, using Adriafil Knitcol merino double knitting. Using 3.75mm needles I cast on 40 stitches and knitted two knit, two purl rib rows until they were the right length. Sewed up the seams leaving a gap for my thumbs and now I have some very useful wrist warmers. They would also make a super Christmas present.

Work in progress .. all will be revealed!
I also have a work in progress on festive sparkly needles that I will share with you later in the week! In the meantime, I'm going to visit Handmade Monday and see what everyone else has been up to in my absence!


  1. What a great name for a site: Grit In the Gears'. You wreath is lovely, as are your wrist-warmers. Hope you have a good week.

  2. I love the way that you show how easy it is to make simple wrist warmers (although yours look far from simple, more beautiful). Congratulations on making the hard decision to cancel fairs but sanity is important at this time of year!

  3. I love the way that you show how easy it is to make simple wrist warmers (although yours look far from simple, more beautiful). Congratulations on making the hard decision to cancel fairs but sanity is important at this time of year!

  4. wow you have been busy with all those fairs!!! well done for cancelling a few, its so easy to over book at this busy time of year but the stress really isn't worth it!

    I love your personalised bag - so cute! and the wrist warmers look fab too :) x

  5. Wow, you have been busy! Thiose writ warmers look great and would indeed make a great gift! I love the sparkly needles too, very festive!

  6. It's a big learning curve, isn't it, deciding how much you can actually cope with. It's something I've struggled with too and there isn't an easy solution - you just have to do what's best for you xx

  7. I love that wreath! I have just bought one from the local Farmers Market but haven't dared put it up till the wind drops. Always makes me feel Christmassy though...

  8. Nice to be busy at this time of the year, but it's so easy to take on too much, isn't it? I love the wrist warmers and they sound super easy to do, but I can imgaine the mess of knots if I had a go. Think I'd better leave it to you professionals :-)

    Have a great week,
    Alison x

  9. wow rediculously busy!!
    Wreath looks lovely and traditional!

  10. I like those wrist warmers, and was interested in your photo problem as I have been struggling with the same thing, and spent the week trying to delete duplicates. I am thinking about reducing size and quality of some photos, and have even been deleting some old posts. Will have to look into your solution.

  11. Blimey im not suprised your shattered so to speak doing that amount of fairs there great fun but so tiring. Well done you for canceling some. Your wreath looks lovely and so are those little gloves. Take lots of care, dee x

  12. Since doing my October fest Craft fair every weekend I haven't done much in the way of Christmas fairs. Just a couple of school ones that have been mid week. It's been nice to have my weekends back.
    I'm another one that needs a photo solution too.

    Love the wreath, PL has done a great job with it and I like the idea of adding more from the garden.

    Jan x

  13. Just reading how busy you have been made me want to lie down! The colours of your wrist warmers blend beautifully. Great idea about the wreath too !
    Wendy x

  14. Love your wrist warmers!

    I had the same problem with not being able to upload photos, but if you resize them to less than 800 x 800 pixels, you can upload with no probs. Hope that helps, Estelle xx

  15. What a gorgeous wreath. Those wrist warmers are lovely, pretty design and colours.
    Ali x

  16. I recently wrote a post about this problem. You don't need to pay. Open a Flickr or Photobucket account and you can import pictures from there to your blog.

  17. You've been very busy. You must have had a lot of energy to spare. I would recommend using Flickr to host your photos. It's free and easy to use.

  18. Love the wreath and those fingerless mitts are ideal this time of year. The red and humongous needles is interesting and cannot wait to see what you do.

    Pleased you got your photos sorted, so annoying had this with Flickr.

  19. Love the wrist warmers - I've got a pair on the needles from the left-over sock wool from my sister's Christmas present! Hope they turn out as well as yours!

  20. I love the wrist warmers! I like the yarn you chose. Thanks for sharing at Hookin On Hump Day!


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