
Friday 7 September 2012

Bath - Time

In one of the last few days of the holiday, Pickle-Lily and I hitched a lift with Mr P-L to Bath for the afternoon. We had a lovely time wandering around the shops, and must have walked miles!
First we found The Makery , much smaller than expected but full of pretty things.
The window was full of those little milk bottles that I used to have school milk in when I was small. Each one had something different in - buttons, ribbons .. and was tied with ribbon. So out of nostalgia I bought three! They are now sitting on my kitchen window waiting to be filled and every time I look at them I think of Miss Cass my infant teacher. I'm, also thinking they would look great filled with fairy lights at Christmas.

Do you remember these?

We also found the most amazing fabric shop - Country Threads Patchwork . Now this shop was an absolute surprise, it looks like a house from the outside, but inside ... I have never seen so many fabrics packed into two rooms. Literally floor to ceiling.

We had such a good time shopping and came back laden with goodies, including new outfits for P so she was very happy. If you ever go to Bath I can recommend these two shops.
This week has been very busy with getting back to school for all three of us, and today is my last day of 'freedom' as I am working full-time up until half-term, this could be a real shock to the system! Luckily Mr P-L can work from home and so will be about at times and can hopefully do all the doctors appointments and staff meeting afternoons. It does mean not so much crafting time, but I'm sure I'll sneak some in!
One final thing to share today ...
Made by Pickle-Lily
My beautiful birthday cake made by Pickle-Lily herself!
Have a good week-end.


  1. Those shops look fab, I love the little milk bottles too!

    Happy Birthday, your cake is so cute!

    Estelle xx

  2. That outing is just up my street. I love those little milk bottles reminds me of school tho!
    Pass a bit of that fab cake over then!!


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