
Sunday 30 September 2012

The right decision

Pickle-Lily and I went to Exeter this morning, to the Creative Craft show. To be honest I'd ummed and ahhed over whether I could 'afford' the time, but I am so glad I went!
Crafty Ribbons
Crafty Ribbons and buttons
I'd been wandering around - well actually P had devised a route - looking at all the ribbons, and had decided I'd much rather wait until I got home and then would order them from my favourite suppliers. When P pointed out that I didn't need to, as they had a stall there! It was heaven - we bought lots, chatted to the very friendly Ali and Tony - who are even nicer in real-life, if possible, than they come over in their blog, and also ordered ribbon that they had sold out off on the stand, with free p&p! It was lovely to see the quality and colours for real, and to pick and choose. So next year I'll be there on opening day so I can see all the stock! By the way Crafty Ribbons have not had anything to do with my glowing recommendations!
 Sorry about the pictures but I had to use my phone camera, and I don't know how to use the flash!

Ribbon Heaven
The other thing that really made my day was when P spotted a whole stand where people were sitting knitting my knitted paper chains!
A while ago you may remember me blogging about how the WI were using the pattern for the world record for the largest number of people knitting together at the Royal Albert Hall. The pattern is now being used in the Crafts Council Craft Club campaign.
I was even credited on the publicity board - fame at last! That has really made my day!
Lots of knitted paper chains

If you look very carefully you should see my name!

Saturday 22 September 2012

From little acorns ....

Autumn table
It has been a busy week at school again, so busy I didn't even make it to the W.I. on Tuesday, too many books to mark. But as you can see I did find a use for all the leaves I'd knitted a while ago, as a sort of test drive for another project.

Here's one I grew earlier!

We've been thinking about autumn and collected acorns to plant. It does work!
I planted this one last year. The secret is to - test your acorns! Seriously! Put them in some water and if they sink to the bottom, plant them now, and if they float put them out for the squirrels as they won't grow.
Another use for my little milk bottle

Saturday 15 September 2012

A quick update

I really don't know how I did it!!!
This week has been the first full-time week I have done, in the same class, for over two years and I am shattered! It's not the teaching, I'm loving having my own class, it's all the other stuff - washing, ironing, cooking, the kid's social life... I just don't know how I did it before.
Fitting crafting in has been a real struggle. To be honest all I've been able to do is finish off two Dolly Mixtures for lady who wanted them for her grown-up daughters as a Christmas gift.

My fingers are itching and I have loads of ideas whirling around but everything needs to go on hold until I get better organised. I've put my Folksy shop on holiday and luckily I've no fairs booked for the rest of the month. This is good, as last week I was at an outdoor event with Pickle-Lily, we'd just set up and I was talking to a lady when she fainted, onto my table and sent the whole lot crashing to the ground! Luckily the lady was fine, but the folding table was badly damaged and I may have to get a new one, if Mr P-L can't mend it. Right back to marking!

Sunday 9 September 2012

More Geekiness

Happy Handmade Monday!!
After an absence (due to Sunday craft fairs) I can at last join in with Handmade Monday again and say hello to all the fabulous bloggers out there. If you would like to join in, please go and visit Wendy's fabulous Handmade Harbour page for all the fun.
I am now back at school, so crafting has slowed down - although the ironing mountain never seems to diminish! This week I have worked on some more 'Computer Geek' ideas. Last year I struggled for gifts for the men in my life, but after the success of the computer geek cushions I've added more to 'the range'!
Introducing ...

key - rings
 and ...
Note books
I'm rather hoping I can get away with giving these to all the men in my life for a while! They're also for sale in my Folksy shop, but no sales yet.
A short post as I have to get back to the ironing :(
Have a good week!

Friday 7 September 2012

Bath - Time

In one of the last few days of the holiday, Pickle-Lily and I hitched a lift with Mr P-L to Bath for the afternoon. We had a lovely time wandering around the shops, and must have walked miles!
First we found The Makery , much smaller than expected but full of pretty things.
The window was full of those little milk bottles that I used to have school milk in when I was small. Each one had something different in - buttons, ribbons .. and was tied with ribbon. So out of nostalgia I bought three! They are now sitting on my kitchen window waiting to be filled and every time I look at them I think of Miss Cass my infant teacher. I'm, also thinking they would look great filled with fairy lights at Christmas.

Do you remember these?

We also found the most amazing fabric shop - Country Threads Patchwork . Now this shop was an absolute surprise, it looks like a house from the outside, but inside ... I have never seen so many fabrics packed into two rooms. Literally floor to ceiling.

We had such a good time shopping and came back laden with goodies, including new outfits for P so she was very happy. If you ever go to Bath I can recommend these two shops.
This week has been very busy with getting back to school for all three of us, and today is my last day of 'freedom' as I am working full-time up until half-term, this could be a real shock to the system! Luckily Mr P-L can work from home and so will be about at times and can hopefully do all the doctors appointments and staff meeting afternoons. It does mean not so much crafting time, but I'm sure I'll sneak some in!
One final thing to share today ...
Made by Pickle-Lily
My beautiful birthday cake made by Pickle-Lily herself!
Have a good week-end.