
Sunday 12 August 2012


Blueberry muffins
Last year I bought a rather sad looking blueberry bush from the reduced section in Homebase - I felt really sorry for it! I popped it into a pot and watered it occasionally and this is what happened ...
My reduced price plant!
I got blueberries! I have to admit my garden is really unloved this year, after all the rain lots of green grew into triffid proportions and none of my annual flower seeds came up. At the moment all I have is lavender and buddlia in my garden in flower, so I was amazed by these. Pickle-Lily picked them, I gave them a wash and made them into blueberry muffins this morning.
The recipe originally came from the lovely Helen at Made from Scratch who emailed it to me many moons ago. I tend to write recipes down on the back of old greeting cards that I particularly like, and then as with everything I do, amend it and usually simplify it, so it may not quite be your original recipe Helen. So here goes ....

You need

75g butter / sunflower margarine - melt in a pan on a low heat.

200g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon bicarb
2 teaspoons baking powder
75g of caster sugar - Mix these all together in a large bowl.

200ml milk
1 egg - mix these both together in a jug
the crop!!!!

 And blueberries - here I can not be too precise as I use a punnet from the shops or the bowl P had picked!

Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well - it can be rather lumpy, but don't worry!
Add the blueberries and then share between 12 muffin cases.

Bake at 180C fan assisted for about 15 - 18 minutes.

Son has eaten three already! On a news note he is now back in plaster as he went to cadet camp, lasted three days before he fractured his ankle (same one, same place) again, and Mr P-L had to drive all the way up to Stafford to collect him and bring him home early.
I am linking up with Handmade Monday this week, so go and visit all the other lovely blogs, I will! I wonder if there will be a baking theme as The Great British Bake Off is back on this week?


  1. Wow those blueberries look delicious, I ma no good with plants just kill them all off. That recipe looks wonderful and I love blueberry muffins

  2. You know i don't like blueberries unless they have been cooked in something, thanks for the recipe!

  3. Those muffins look scrummy and I love the little union jack cake cases! If you have a glut of lavender in your garden why don't you try making a Lavender Wand. Ros Made Me shows you how here I had never seen one until I came across this :) Only problem is - I don't have any lavender!

  4. They look fab. I bought two blueberry plants a few years back and always had them in pots, where they did ok. Last year I planted them in a raised bed (in ericaceous compost, as per instructions) and this year they've grown like mad but no blueberries!! Ha! Keep them in posts, I say!

  5. I'm a big fan of rescuing plants too but I don't think I've ever done it with something so useful!
    Blueberries never last long in our house as daughter no.2 snacks on them all the time given half a chance x

  6. wow, how fantastic to get such a great crop! i thought that blueberry bushes had to come in pairs so that the male pollinates the female or something... i've always assumed that's why my little bush has never produced so much as one!

    your muffins look delicious :) i hope they help heal fractured ankles! x

  7. Not had any success with blueberries. Your plant has got an amazing amount. The muffins look really scrummy.

  8. Oohhh will definitely be giving this a try, I love blueberries!

  9. Wow! Impressive crop, and blueberry muffins are always welcome!

  10. I'm so jealous-I can never grow anything!Love the blueberries and the muffins look so good!

  11. Sounds like you've got a lot more in your garden than I have. Those muffins look delicious.

  12. I must admit, that mine two blueberry plans have died, so hats off to you for keeping your alive and well. The muffins must have tasted really lovely. There is such a difference in tasting the reall blueberries, then what you get in the supermarkets. I remember many happy hours picking blueberries in the forrest and then mashing them up a bit with suggar and having them with sweet dumplings and doubled cream.

  13. If you could post mine to Woolwich that would be great!

    At least you make plants live. Mine just tend to die on me.

  14. I simply love blueberries... and yours look delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe :)

  15. Well done on growing your own blueerries - the muffins look gorgeous! Hope your son's ankle heals soon x

  16. yummy - looks so delicious! They would go down well in my house, my youngest is a blueberry fiend :) Thanks for sharing the recipe! xx

  17. Wow, blueberries! I love them, but have never ever grown them, and don't buy them often because if they are any good they are expensive, and if they aren't expensive they aren't any good. The muffins look and sound delish!
    Sorry to hear about your son's ankle. That's not good, hope he is well soon.

  18. Don't have my own blueberries, but maybe i'll take a trip to the supermarket and have a go at your recipe at the weekend.

  19. I love blueberries and will definitely make your recipe. the muffins look very scrummy. Hope you have a good week.

  20. Yummy! I lack green fingers so I'm jealous you grew the blueberries and then baked with them!


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