
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Penguin tutorial

Penguins on parade

As many of you know Pickle-Lily's favourite animals are penguins and she is amassing quite a collection. A little while ago she asked me to create a penguin keyring (or it could be a Christmas tree decoration) for her.
Using the lovely patterned felt from Sew Sweet for their tummies I ended up with four! I shared the tutorial with Emma on Sew Sweet and she has published it today. So if you would like to make one or more visit her blog page.
Now we can't decide which one we like best!

Sunday 19 August 2012

Swanning around

Another week has gone by of the summer holidays - I can't believe it!
It's been a busy week, even though we haven't gone far. Son is back in a boot on his ankle and the weather has been rather wet here in the west.
On Friday Pickle-Lily and I decided to carry on with her swan hunt. The city of Wells, to commemorate the Queen's Jubilee created a swan trail of 60 very large swans, decorated by local artists and schools, and over the past months P has tried to see them all.
We have managed about 50 so far, they are all very different and we both have our favourites. If you do get a chance to visit Wells it is a great way to explore the city.
I also seem to have spent a lot of time cutting out - both felt and fabric, and making a lovely mess all over the floor!
P has helped by using the big shot to cut out lots of gingerbread men for me to use in the new kits I am creating for Christmas, and I couldn't help make some decorations as well!
 I know it seems rather early for the Christmas, but I just couldn't resist them!
I'm linking up with Handmade Monday again this week, and looking forward to visiting the crafty blogs on there. 
Have a lovely week! 

Gingerbread Men

Sunday 12 August 2012


Blueberry muffins
Last year I bought a rather sad looking blueberry bush from the reduced section in Homebase - I felt really sorry for it! I popped it into a pot and watered it occasionally and this is what happened ...
My reduced price plant!
I got blueberries! I have to admit my garden is really unloved this year, after all the rain lots of green grew into triffid proportions and none of my annual flower seeds came up. At the moment all I have is lavender and buddlia in my garden in flower, so I was amazed by these. Pickle-Lily picked them, I gave them a wash and made them into blueberry muffins this morning.
The recipe originally came from the lovely Helen at Made from Scratch who emailed it to me many moons ago. I tend to write recipes down on the back of old greeting cards that I particularly like, and then as with everything I do, amend it and usually simplify it, so it may not quite be your original recipe Helen. So here goes ....

You need

75g butter / sunflower margarine - melt in a pan on a low heat.

200g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon bicarb
2 teaspoons baking powder
75g of caster sugar - Mix these all together in a large bowl.

200ml milk
1 egg - mix these both together in a jug
the crop!!!!

 And blueberries - here I can not be too precise as I use a punnet from the shops or the bowl P had picked!

Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well - it can be rather lumpy, but don't worry!
Add the blueberries and then share between 12 muffin cases.

Bake at 180C fan assisted for about 15 - 18 minutes.

Son has eaten three already! On a news note he is now back in plaster as he went to cadet camp, lasted three days before he fractured his ankle (same one, same place) again, and Mr P-L had to drive all the way up to Stafford to collect him and bring him home early.
I am linking up with Handmade Monday this week, so go and visit all the other lovely blogs, I will! I wonder if there will be a baking theme as The Great British Bake Off is back on this week?

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Now I know this is boasting ...

Photo by Unwin photography
But look at my little girl, she looks amazing!
Last Sunday she was a model at a vintage fashion show, and if I say so myself was brilliant!
there are more photo's on Flickr here.

Sunday 5 August 2012

Hey Nunney, Nunney

Recently it has been busy, busy with street fairs in local towns and villages - some have been good and others very slow. On Saturday Mr PL. Pickle-Lily and I packed up the car and headed to a small village called Nunney (No1 son is at camp at the moment). Nunney is an idyllic Somerset village, very small and quaint, Wikipedia says it has a population of 910. It also has a ruined castle, that looks like a castle should!
The swing band playing by the moat
Four towers, one at each corner and a moat - it opens "Whenever sensible" and is well worth a visit.
On Saturday, we were one of over 120 stalls, and set up 'shop' next to the moat and listened to all the live bands all through the day in the lovely weather (despite the forecast!).
The view from our stall
We had a fabulous day - chatting to lovely people, listening to the music, watching the duck families on the moat and wandering around the maze of stalls. Apparently The Times said "One of the fetes to be seen at this summer".
I loved this plant stall

The river

These cupcakes were amazing and delicious!

Morris dancing of course!
The view from the bridge
If you ever get the chance, go! (It is also worth having a stall if you get the chance!)
This week P and |I are out and about a lot, as sister-in-law is coming for a visit, and we plan a trip to Wells amongst other things, but I hope to fit some making in and of course visit the other blogs on Handmade Monday.
Have a good week.

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Everything this week seems to be in threes!
Buttons sorted

Little mermaids knitted

White Scotties sewn

and black

and I am currently sewing three flowers onto tea cosies! I have treated myself to a new bangle - which is very appropriate for a knitter, and I had to share it with you as I love it! It's made from a knitting needle!
Add caption
(The teapot stand I've put it on was made for my by Pickle-Lily as a surprise.) I can see me collecting these in different colours and needle sizes!