
Saturday 7 July 2012

Summer of Love

Photo from The Craft Hub
It's 5.30 in the morning and I am sitting here writing my blog! Life has been so busy that this seems to be the only time to fit something else in!
In the Pickle-Lily household we have had poorly children (the latest virus doing it's rounds) - I had forgotten how much sleep deprivation really knocks you, probably why I can't sleep now! At some points it has  felt like we were backing in 'teething times'!
School life has been very busy, I've been driving between schools in some lunch times and turning work down as I was already booked! I also had a couple of interviews, and the result is I have been offered a permanent post (teachers out there will appreciate that these are rarer than hen's teeth) for two days a week - brilliant news, exactly what I was hoping for!
On the crafting front, there have been lots of fairs of differing sorts - school, village and street!  Some have been very quiet, lots of people looking but not buying, some have been wet (thank goodness I invested in a proper gazebo this year), some have been scary - a street fair where the wind was sailing my gazebo along the tarmac - and some brilliant!
Picture from The Craft Hub
I had a great Sunday at The Summer of Love with The Craft Hub where I met some lovely people - and treated myself to some lovely hand cream from Aromatika, visitors would come wafting in after trying the free samples. I wish this was interactive so you could smell it too! P sold some cushions and tidgy totes so she was very happy and we bought lots of yummy cakes and cookies from Kiss and Bake up. I am now looking forward to their Christmas event. Thanks Pip and Hannah for a very well organised and supported event!
It has also been very busy in my Folksy shop as some of my goodies were featured in the Teacher's gift guide and I have been visiting the post office every day! But I am not complaining!
What new things have I been up to?
Pussy cat, pussy cat where have you been?
A friend asked me for a cat keyring as a gift and after much cutting out - I like to cut out paper patterns, re-cut and trim when I'm being creative (very messy!), here is my cat! I'm now making them in lots of lovely cat like colours and then will add them to needle cases and note books and hopefully make little ones as brooches, as there are lots of cat lovers out there!
Hopefully - life will be a little more routine this week - I have a Family Fun Day to start getting ready for today (I'm hoping the BBC weather is right - there are these funny yellow circles on the page!) and I can knit and sew during the week! I also want to visit all the other blogs over on Handmade Monday - I have really missed visiting blogland and want to catch up with everyone!


  1. Congratulations on your teaching post, I'm covering for a colleague at work until the end of term whilst she does some teaching - she's hoping this may lead to a permanent position so I know a little about how difficult these can be to find.

    I love the cat, such a really effective shape - I'm sure it will look great on all sorts of things

    Catherine x

  2. Well done on the teaching post... you are going to need the Summer to gird your loins up!

    Am now wishing that I lived closer to the Craft Hub, it all seems like such fun :)

  3. Many congrats on getting a permanent teaching job - you are so right, really few and far between these days. Love the Craft Hub pic. Hope you have a good week.

  4. Well done on the job. Sounds as if you have been really busy and I hope that everyone is on the mend.The cat is cute and, as you say, will probably sell well. Have a good week.

  5. Lovely cat!! And those biscuits and cakes looked amazing, YUM! X

  6. Congratulations on the job!
    Wow, those cakes look fantastic, so colourful and yummy! And I love the cat too. xx

  7. That cake stall is making me hungry! Your little cat is very sweet, I'm sure they'll be lovely on loads of different items

  8. wow, you have been busy! i feel overwhelmed just reading about it :)

    very well done on your teaching post and folksy sales (and also on clearly being a fabulous mum :)) i hope you find some time for yourself and your creativity this week! x

  9. Well done on the job - excellent news. The cat is seriously cute! x

  10. well done on the new job! And the cat keyring is fab I bet they sell well x

  11. Congratulations on your new teaching post. Hope you really enjoy it. Hope life is getting back on track. Lack of sleep is a nightmare. Love the cat keyring, I'd love to see any brooches you come up with as I know someone who is a cat addict. Have a lovely week. Ali x

  12. Congratulations on the teaching job. I love the little black cat, will be keeping an eye out for him as September nears :-) Hope you manage to catch up on some sleep soon x

  13. Congratulations on your position and on your Folksy sales.
    I hope those pesky viruses etc don't hang around too long. Sleep deprivation is not a good thing.
    Your black cat is a great new design, I'm sure you will do well with him.

    Jan x

  14. Congratulations on the teaching job!Love the cat key ring,it's so cute!

  15. Congratulations on your new job. Hope it doesn't eat into too much of your crafting time! Haven't you been busy with your craft fairs - puts me to shame!

  16. Well done on your new teaching post. You look like you are extremely busy at the moment. Love the cat key ring. Cat products definately tend to be good sellers.


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