
Tuesday 17 April 2012

A girlie day out

Don't you love this sign!
The finished cushion
Last week Pickle-Lily and I had a girlie day out in Frome. 17th century St Catherine's Hill in Frome is full of retro and vintage shops as well as Millie Moon and Marmalade yarns. P had been given a cushion workshop at Millie Moon's for her birthday and spent a lovely three hours learning how to use her sewing machine to make a beautiful envelope cushion cover.
This is the inside - very neat seams!
Which one shall I choose?
I spent a lovely morning visiting all the shops - buying lots of yarn in Marmalade yarns and chatting to the very friendly lady who was more than happy for me to sit and knit a while on their comfy sofa. I can recommend The Little Red Cafe at the top of the hill, where I had several cups of tea and some scummy cake whilst I waited for P. I also came back with a lovely bag full of London / Jubilee themed fat quarters which I love!
Aren't these fab!

No 2!

When we got home P decided to use her new found skills to make another cushion cover. She has now decided to raid my fabric stash to make some more cushions to sell at fairs, and use the money to go on a tunic making workshop at Millie Moon. Bunting has also been mentioned as well!
I'm spending this week at school, knitting more owls and reading all the other lovely blogs over at Wendy's Handmade Monday.


  1. Wow! She has done an amazing job! I love to see youngsters crafting. I always included my daughter and my sons in any projects I had 'on the go' Although not interested at the time my daughter is now turning back to craft now that she is a lot older and more settled, and at least my boys can sew holes in their socks!! Sue x

  2. Sounds like you had a lovely day out, and what a great gift! Lovely cushions, well done :)

  3. I would be proud to produce a cushion like that, so well done to your daughter. (I love the sign too!)

  4. How brilliant! It's so lovely to see someone so young enjoying sewing! I love the knitting sign, too x

  5. My daughter always wants to join in when I craft, although at 4 years old she's not quite there yet! The London fabric is lovely.

  6. Great job on the cushions P. Sounds like you both had a fab day! Love the patterns on your fat quarters x

  7. Sounds like a lovely trip and lovely to see P with such an interest (and clearly a talent) for sewing too. You're going to have to lock away your fabric....

  8. Now who wouldn;t be happy to have you sit on their sofa and knit!

  9. Hi, not sure if you read my comment on 8 April. Just wanted to let you know that I had awarded you the Versatile Blog Award. Have a look at my comments/blog for the details. Hope you have a good week.

  10. Isn't Frome just too wonderful?! I buy my sewing thread there from a shop almost opposite Millie Moon

    P's seams put mine to shame, I wish I could be so neat and both her cushions are really pretty

  11. What great cushions - well done P!! Love the fabric - got me thinking that I'm sure I've seen that before - and I have - in the blog of Dotty Dolly in Wellington... Have you discovered them yet??? REALLY lovely shop - Debby & Joan are great - full of tips and they run great workshops. Look forward to seeing you soon. With best wishes Linda x

  12. You can have a peak @ Dotty Dolly via their blog x x x


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