
Monday 20 February 2012

Fused Glass

Fused glass heart
Green and orange
A few weeks ago Pickle-Lily and I went to Connies to take part in a fused glass workshop. We had a super Sunday afternoon cutting coloured glass and then using drops of superglue to fix it to clear glass. The glue is temporary as when the glass is fired it melds together and all the sharp edges become smooth. P and I made hearts for Valentines or Mothering Sunday, and rectangles where we could be creative.

Careful cutting
We loved doing this, it was simple and very effective, but sadly we can not afford a kiln.
During the week I will be visiting all the other blogs other at Wendy's for Handmade Monday . Thank-you to Wendy for my brilliant dishwasher sign - I'll show you that another time.
Jo x

Placing the glass carefully
P.S. We have discovered that we are coming up to our first birthday and to 100 posts so watch out for a giveaway!


  1. That looks like a really exciting thing to do - I'd love to have a go! You're welcome re the dishwasher sign! x

  2. We were just talking about glass fusing this weekend. OH wondered what temp it melts at.

  3. I love the "rainbow" fused glass. It must look really beautiful in the window with the sun shining through it.

  4. Oooh, how pretty are these. Bet they look lovely when the sun catches them. Hope you have a good week.

  5. You look like you had such fun. I would love to do a work shop like this. Lovely makes.

  6. Those are so pretty can just imagine with the light behind

  7. I love the effect that fused glass gives, how fantastic to have been able to make some of your own,

  8. I love fused glass, it is always where I have to stop at Craft Fairs and I am always severely tempted :)

  9. I love fused glass and would love to do some myself. The pieces you made look fantastic.

  10. I've always wondered how fused glass is done - your pieces look lovely

  11. What a great idea, it looks fun too and no experience necessary! Love the heart. x

  12. That looks really great. The heart came out beautifully and the rectangles have such lovely colours in them! x

  13. So so pretty, quite envious of you having a go at this

  14. Looks like a fun afternoon, and I love the heart!

  15. Well, I wish you lived closer, I have a kiln and would love someone to come and play melt glass with me! Love your fused glass pieces, isn't it fun? :)

  16. I'm only just starting to catch up with the week, time goes so quickly. I love the colours of the glass in the sunshine, I'd love to have a kiln, I may have to look around for a workshop in my area.

    Jan x

  17. That's pretty cool! I love the multicoloured one!

    Sandra x


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