
Monday 19 December 2011

Merry Christmas to all!

Well - it is now Monday afternoon, and I have finished the last Christmas Fair for Pickle-Lily, dropped off a load of goodies at Seabreeze and sat down to relax.... but I haven't finished my cakes off, bought presents let alone wrapped them or written Christmas cards yet! So I think this week is going to be just as busy! But I have still made time for Handmade Monday - and am looking forward to everyone's blogs this week.
Ice skating at Hestercombe Gardens
I spent last week-end at Hestercombe Gardens as part of the Christmas shopping market. A long day Saturday, left the house at 8 am back home at 9 pm! P visited Saturday afternoon to go ice skating - and loved it, so when she spent the day with me on Sunday she had two more sessions as 'wages'. £4 an hour for a child I thought was very good value for ice skating.
Whilst I was there I had a lovely chat with a lady about the mini Christmas stockings and I said I would publish the pattern.
Mini Christmas Stockings
I once knitted 30 of these as individual presents for the children in my class. On Saturday one of them visited me and told me he still hung it up every Christmas!
Using double knit and no 11 or 3 mm needles, cast on 24 stitches.
Purl 1 row.
Knit 1, increase into next stitch until the end of the row - 36 stitches.
Stocking stitch 7 rows.
Knit 14 stitches, knit 2 together four times, knit 14 stitches
Knit 12 stitches, knit 2 together four times, knit 12 stitches
Knit 10 stitches, knit 2 together four times, knit 10 stitches - 24 stitches
Starting with a purl row stocking stitch 13 rows. Finish with main colour.
Garter stitch 5 rows in Sirdar snowflake for the fluffy top.
Cast off
Fold in half and stitch the row ends and cast on edge together to make up.

Merry Christmas to all!
Jo and Pickle-Lily


  1. Sounds like you've been a busy-bee! Love your little Christmas stockings, they're so cute.
    Have a wonderful Christmas :)

  2. Hope you get all you 'To Do' tasks completed this week.

    Have a very Happy Christmas

  3. Good luck with getting everything finished. Certainly time for you to put your feet up - if possible. I hope you have a very happy Christmas.

  4. I'm glad you had fun at the fairs, even if it was really long day. I might have a go at these stockings one day soon. Have a good rest and Merry Christmas. x

  5. Have a lovely Christmas & Good luck with getting the last few bits done and dusted.

    Ali x

  6. Little stockings look Fab. Wonder if I have time to complete two by tomorrow evening!!!!! Have a great Christmas and Happy NEw Year. Hugs Mrs A.

  7. Thanks for the pattern for the stockings - I may just see if I've got the materials and try one tonight. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year - Mich x

  8. what lovely cute stockings! Wish I could knit :-)

  9. Lovely cute stockings, it's great when you hear that something you made someone is still being used many years later. Me and ice skating don't get along too well, I tend to either hold on to the side or sit on the floor!!!! I'm glad you both had an enjoyable day.
    Wishing you a great Christmas and a brilliant 2012.

    Jan x

  10. How lovely that an ex pupil still uses your stocking :) Happy Christmas Jo & PL

  11. The little stockings are really cute :) might have a go at that one x
    Happy christmas :)

  12. 30 socks! You've been busy. They are very cute.

    Merry Christmas!

  13. Ive tried knitting and crochet and just cannot get it to work. So I stick with making bath foam, lol!


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