
Monday 3 October 2011

Season's greetings!!!

Welcome to autumn and what a fabulous week we have just had (and still having)! Although I'm not sure my garden knows what to do, as the apple tree seems to think it is spring as there is blossom on it!

Photo taken on 3rd October
 It has meant that I have found it really hard to get on with making Christmas and winter goodies for Pickle-Lily - so decided instead to make some lavender bags and felt cupcake bags.

I love this pretty fabric

Store in an airtight container
I have dried my own lavender this year - pick nice long stems, put heads down in a paper bag with a rubber band to hold it closed and pop somewhere to dry.
Stripping the heads (pull through your thumb and forefinger into a container) can be a bit time consuming but the smell is gorgeous and invokes thoughts of hot summer days. I make small cotton bags with the lavender in to go inside the 'outer' bag, so it can be re-used again. I'm now trying to work out how to make Christmas bags with all the scents of Christmas inside.

Sorry about the quality of the photo's but Mr PL is in the
Falklands with the main camera - where it is snowing! So, I thinks I have visited every season in one post - hence the title!

If you are visiting from Handmade Monday - please go and enjoy some more blogs.

Jo x


  1. I have been meaning to dry my own lavender for years, well done to you for getting round to it! Like the paper bag tip. I also have a confused apple tree - blossom and ripe fruit at the same time. The seasons have gone mad!

    Your lavender bags look lovely and must smell divine.

  2. Lots of confused plants in the garden. Also have croaking frogs in the pond, so think more frog spawn on the way. Great weather, so confusing for everyone. I love lavender bags, and your material is very pretty.

  3. Yup the garden is in a confused state. Love the fabric you used for the lavender bags

  4. I have never dried lavender, sounds wonderful. MMMM

  5. I love lavender! I worked at a dried flower farm a few years ago where I remember spending a hot afternoon hanging lavender bunches to dry and the smell was so heady and soporific I had such a job not to curl up in one of the boxes and sleep!

  6. I love the smell of lavender. It is great that you have so much to do that with.

  7. Drying your own lavender, very cool on the ideas menu. Wish I had green fingers enough to grow lavender... rather than drying it as a seed.

  8. Wish I had lavender in our garden, then I could dry it like you've done. Maybe when I get something done to turn the paddock into a garden, I'll plant some in.

  9. The fabric you are using is delicious... The lavender in my front garden is ready for harvest... and now I feel guilty for not cutting it. *dashes off to find secateurs*

  10. I love lavender.Thanks for the tips on drying it, will definitelytry that next summer :)

  11. Very impressed that you dried your own lavender definitely 100% handmade! Love the bags

  12. Lavender bags are great, I haven't dried my own lavender for years, it's very satisfying to do.

    Jan x


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