
Monday 26 September 2011

Monday Morning Musings

An old railway poster I bought in the TIC to go my cloakroom wall!
Don't worry not morbid Monday morning musings!
Last week I felt 'out of sorts'.

Couldn't settle on anything. The previous week I had received a phone call from a local school, saying they had heard good things about me and was I free to work for two and a half days up till Christmas - I of course said 'Yes!'. For a supply teacher, a regular work offer like this is manna. So last week was my first regular week, and it really threw me! I have worked solidly for the past twenty plus years until September 2010 when through various circumstances I became a supply teacher. It also allowed me to become an almost full time crafter as well, fitting it in around my supply work.  Now I have to go back to a routine, and to my surprise I don't really enjoy that any more! Of course the children have their routines that I have to fit around, but I think the notion that I couldn't sew or knit on three days really threw me.

Last week also threw in its usual surprises. Monday evening Pickle (my 13 year old son) got his front tooth knocked out at the swimming pool. He then pushed it back in! Everyone has said that's the right thing to do, but I couldn't do it to myself or to him, the thought makes my top lip curl round my teeth as I write. Two visits to the dentist on Tuesday and one on Friday means that they think his tooth will be saved. He has a mini brace cemented onto his teeth to hold it in position, and this Friday they are going to drill into the back of the tooth, clean out all the inside (as that will be dead now and in danger of going nasty) put on a temporary filling, and then repeat process until all inside is clean. It means the tooth will be 'dead' but will stay in place - we hope. I am not looking forward to Friday.

Tuesday I had a fab time at the W.I. we even sang Jerusalem I had watched Calender Girls to prepare myself - great film. But no real crafting all week - it was school, packed lunches, washing-up, cooking, mum's taxi and ironing and I felt really, well out of sorts!
The lighthouse
The hovercraft
On Saturday I popped into town to go to the bakers and buy a newspaper. I parked on the sea front and the sun was shining. The prom was full of people eating ice-cream, the rescue hovercraft was out practising - and suddenly the world seemed to be a lovely place! I went for a lovely walk, on my own (Pickle-Lily was watching the rugby with Mr PL, son was at cadets for the week-end), all along the prom just enjoying the sights and sounds and smells. Isn't amazing how something as simple as that can make such a difference!

I then spent the week-end making these..

Make felt hearts kit
I want to call her Carole - but P says no!
Though I know this week will be different again as Mr PL is off to the Falklands!
If you're visiting from Handmade Monday, please go and visit some more lovely blogs - and a big THANK-YOU to Wendy for hosting it.

Jo x


  1. I have a couple of similar railway posters waiting to be framed and put up. Really must get round to that! Love the seaside too and wish I lived nearer - your lighthouse pic is fab! The heart kits look like fun.

  2. When you've been supplying for a couple of weeks you'll find your feet with a routine and your precious crafting time. Before you know it, it will be Christmas aaaggghhh what have I just said! WI sounds like fun and I love those felt heart kits. Good luck with your boy on Friday.

  3. Lovely makes Jo. Hope the supply teaching goes well this week - all gets better once term has settled into its stride. I like the poster - always think they look so good when framed and displayed.

  4. Great to hear you have work till Christmas... remember to say no to the costumes for the Christmas play...

  5. I love to see hovercrafts, they always look amazing, that is a great lighthouse too.
    Good luck on the teaching and enjoy.

    Jan x


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