
Thursday 14 July 2011

Mystery Toy - part 2 and thank-you's

The noggin
This is the next part of the mystery toy from Ravelry, the head or noggin as Emily calls it. I'm thinking it looks quite squirrel like, but are there 250 different sorts of squirrel? Anyway, the next clue that goes with it is ...
'This animals' predators (besides humans and habitat loss) include eagles and hawks.'
Part three comes out on Friday - can't wait!
Now for the thank-yous
Funky chickens
I am making these for Pickle-Lily to give to her friends at the end of term, to say thank-you for being such great friends. I must admit I'm getting a bit teary at the thought that next week is her last week at primary school, they really do grow up too quickly!
A thank-you to the lovely staff at Bridgwater MIU - as yet again we have had to pay them a visit! P crashed her bicycle on Sunday and apart from the grazes and bruises hurt her thumb. They think a small bone at the base of the thumb may be broken, she just has to wear one of those germolene (doesn't that word make you think of exactly the right colour - and the smell!) pink Velcro thumb and wrist supports, until we go back again next week for more deliberation. That's why I'm making funky chickens, as she had wanted to make them herself.
Another thank-you to Caroline who has nominated me for
I would like to pass this on to to Cuckoo for her blog that is full of lovely pictures, being so entertaining and true to life!
And finally thank-you to Dorset Girl for her One lovely blog award! I now need to say 7 random things about myself which was hard enough the first time! So here goes ..
  • I collect blue jugs - but they can't be new.
  • Life is unbearable without cups of tea in it!
  • I still can't get my flapjacks to stick together - tried again last night, I have a tin of very large crumbs!
  • It took me fives goes to pass my driving test!
  • My favourite cars are Pandas - I am now driving my third.
  • I still can't crochet, but want to.
  • Hopefully the patio doors will open today - the lock has been jammed for over a year, and the nice repairman is fixing them now!
I also have to pass this award onto other blogs - so here goes ...

As always you are under no obligation to accept these awards but please know that I enjoy reading your blogs and would like to recommend you to others.

Made from scratch who I know from Knit Club
Sara who I met at Coldharbour Mill a few weeks ago Crafts of Texture
and The Krafty Cupcake  for being such a good read!

Phew - finished!
Jo x


  1. Oh well thank you muchly!! I have a similar award I need to do justice to but I'll get on to this soon. So sweet of you, you are kind about my blog!

    I have a great flap jack recipe, here it is:

    225g melted butter
    175g demerera sugar
    2 generous tablespoons of golden syrup
    100g choc chips (or substitute for dried fruit)
    275g porridge oats (not the jumbo ones)

    160 degrees for 20-25 mins. Cool in the tin for 10 mins then cut. I use a 20 x 30cm tin but you can eye ball how big a tin you need.

    Try it!

    I can help you with crochet. Maybe me, you and Helen could have a Saturday morning or an evening gathering?


  2. Wow! Thank you sooo much for the award x I am very touched x I love the chickens they are really great. I too would love to crochet and just can't get the hang of it. Thank you x Sue x


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