
Wednesday 22 June 2011

'Summer' 'Fairs'

This title should be Summer Fair, but I haven't worked out how to strike out in the title bar. Saturday was Cossington Country Fair, I should have realised how grotty it was going to be, as stall holders were packing up as I arrived! In between the downpours with very little, grumpy help from Pickle and lots of help from dad we put the gazebo and stall up. During the day the rain was so heavy at times it was coming through the roof, the gazebo was rocking and lifting in the wind and I did not like it! I wimped out at 2 o'clock and phoned for them to come and help me pack up! It was a shame as a lot of effort had gone into organising the day and if all the stalls had been there, would have been a great day out for the family. I do hope they raised lots of money for the Children's Hospice Southwest.

Sunday morning was an early start for Coldharbour Mill. A quiet day visitor wise but Pickle-Lily who came with me had a brilliant day. In the room next to the stalls a lady was demonstrating wet felt making, so P made a flat piece of felt, a felt string and three felt balls and is going to make them into a bag when she puts the spindle down.

The stall next to mine was Sara's Texture Crafts and it was full of beautiful wool in various stages. During the day she taught P and I how to spin using a wooden spindle. I, of course, bought a kit to spin some of my own yarn (lovely ice-cream colours), but Pickle-Lily has hogged it ever since Sunday, and is using the purple tops I got her for felting to spin and knit her own wool. She is knitting it straight off the spindle.

By the way, after turning the house upside down, I found the missing hoodie wrapped up inside her camp blanket, stuffed in a carrier bag. But I did find it!
Have a good day!
Jo x


  1. Bless her knitting off the spindle!

    What a shame your fair was a wash out. Blasted weather. It's supposed to be sports day today.....hmmmmmmm


  2. It just goes to show there are advantages to terrible fairs - meeting new people and learning new skills!
    Still, here's hoping your next fairs are much better! x


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