
Friday 29 April 2011

Royal Wedding

Congratulations to Kate and William!
As you can see, we didn't buy a mug, plate or even a tea towel at Pickle Lily. We got HappyLand, and have had great fun with it so far, lots of wedding photos already. I'm planning to sit in front of the tv and craft all day - bliss!
Have a good day!
Jo x

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

Today is P's birthday.
She spent the first part at the MIU having her arm x-rayed (we were there at 7.45 am!) so present opening is now this evening. It was good that we went so early, as we left at 9 am there wasn't an empty seat in the waiting room.
But two lots of good news ....
It isn't broken - so no more cast! Yipee!
and ....
We won the Bella Boutique giveaway!
Thank-you very much Bella Boutique!

Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Easter?

What a week-end!
Yesterday's craft fair at Berrow went really well, and I had my first two comissions for personalised sacks, so I am now busy making those!
During the day P complained so much about her arm hurting that I phoned Dad to come and collect her at lunch time. She had somehow (to quote her) sat on it Friday afternoon and it had clicked. Despite us calpolling her up and resting it and saying she has just strained it, she was still complaining about it this morning. You can of course guess what comes next! I take her to the minor injuries unit at 8.15 am this morning - we live in a seaside town and with this fabulous weather it is very busy here, and consequently, so is the MIU. The very nice nurse doses her up on megacapol so P will let her touch it, and she now has her arm in plaster as they think it is a greenstick fracture! We now have to go back on Tuesday morning for them to recheck it and take an x-ray, with our packed lunch and tea as it will be so busy after the holiday week-end! Tuesday is also P's birthday!!!

I have just listed three new story sacks on ebay - Noah's Ark, Eric Carle stories and Dear Zoo.

Monday 18 April 2011

Craft Fair this Saturday

Pickle Lily will be at the craft fair in Berrow Village Hall this Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm.
See you there!

Button Stash Giveaway

I love reading other people's blogs (as well as writing Pickle Lily) and often happen on them by chance as I did with Bella-Boutique. She is giving away a lovely stash of buttons for Easter including P's favourite kind - chocolate! Why not have a look and enter, there's a link in my blog list.
Jo x

Sunday 17 April 2011

Ants .......

Not much crafting done this week-end as I spent yesterday ferrying son around and today in the garden.
The strawberries are flowering well,
but have outgrown their tub, I have lots of grand plans for a vegetable and fruit raised bed, but this all depends on when the help is available! So in the meantime it is pots everywhere! The other things that are everywhere are ants! They invaded the kitchen last night - a small skirmish in the ant war - and we are now on full alert! Some even made it through the kitchen window this afternoon. So I am on the lookout for an ant barrier that works. I have read that chalk stops them, but it didn't last night.
The Easter Bunny sign also went out today!
Hoping to get some more knitting and sewing done over the next few days ready for our next fair - Berrow Village Hall, Saturday 23rd April - see you there!

Thursday 14 April 2011

Happy Easter

Yesterday, for some strange reason, I really wanted to knit eggs! P's knee was bothering her, so we stayed in and I knitted eggs.
So Happy Easter everyone!

Sunday 10 April 2011

Sun shiny day

What another beautiful day!
The apple trees are in full blossom, as I took this picture you could hear the bumble bees buzzing with happiness!

These knitted creme egg critters are waiting to be found at the bottom of the garden (or at the next fair) by some lucky children! Luckily for me P doesn't like creme eggs.
I hope you like this posting's title - it was P's suggestion.

Saturday 9 April 2011

A good day out for someone...

P and I went to the Stitch and Creative Craft Show in Shepton Mallet today. I got some lovely fat quarters and thick felt shapes to be creative with for Pickle Lily. Not much though for knitters there, a lot of card making stalls and cross stitch was also well catered for.

Someone else did a decoupage workshop, and then got a beginners set to decorate a big letter for her room, a fancy hair clip and a small girl guide cross stitch kit.
We then stopped at Street - Clark's outlet shop village - for a drink on the way home, and came back with two tops from Monsoon for her. Someone has had a very good day!

Thursday 7 April 2011

Whatever Next!

One of the things I enjoy doing is making story sacks. Schools and pre-schools use them to help books and stories come alive, families at home often use them as well. So, this is my latest creation - Whatever Next! by Jill Murphy. I made the biscuit packet and drinks can by covering tubs with felt and adding the details, so they are as similar as possible to the illustrations. If you are interested it will be going on ebay tonight. I have thought of making them to sell at craft fairs, but I don't know how much interest there would be in them there, what do you think?

Sunday 3 April 2011


Look what someone made me.
All by herself!

Happy Mothering Sunday!

Happy Mothering Sunday.
P and I went to church today with the Guides to celebrate Mothering Sunday. At the end of the service I was given this pretty posy of primroses. I hope you are having a lovely day too.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Busy times

I have not been on here for a while because for once I have been really busy at school. I am a primary supply teacher, and some weeks can be very barren of supply, but for the past two weeks I have been virtually fully booked, I just hope this continues! It does mean that the crafting slows down however.

P and I did our first craft fair - ever - two weeks ago with the lovely ladies of Bella and the Moo. We had a super day, chocolate cake was highly recommended by P, having to do her homework was not. We seemed quite busy and sold out of some of our products.

These lovely rabbits made from Fuzzy Mittens design are wonderful! They went away being cuddled by their purchasers.

The whole family are off on the annual school Easter Egg hunt this afternoon, so I will post more later!